Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sociology and Social Work (cod. 8786)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the activity the students and female students: - are able to orient themselves within the debate on the transformations of contemporary society and know how to interpret and critically analyze the main and emerging configurations of the new social relations of production; - know how to distinguish and orient the fundamental concepts of social sciences that deal with the transformation of work and social policies for the contrast of social marginality.

Course contents

The workshop aims to investigate the recent transformations of the productive and working world starting from the unstable scenario of contemporary capitalism. The problem that describes all the meetings, and to which we will try to give an answer, concerns the possibility of describing and then deepening in the current phase of socio-economic development a discontinuity with respect to the industrial past. After focusing on the main dimensions of this emerging context, we will then proceed with the investigation of the changes that have invested the sphere of social reproduction in relation to the new modes of production and therefore of value extraction in capitalist society. The paradigm of capital operations is particularly useful to analyse the processes related to extraction, labour mobility, financialisation and, in depth, the impressive and recent development of logistics. The new forms of work organization produced by the diffusion of digital technologies and the further and increasing precariousness that results from them will also be examined. To conclude, in a transversal way to the specific contents of the laboratory, a discussion will be proposed in the classroom on the new ethical and cognitive challenges that these transformations pose to the social sciences.
The workshop will be developed through a series of lectures that experts of the above mentioned topics will propose in the classroom with the teacher in charge of the workshop. The programme of the meetings is organised as follows:

Aula 3 - Palazzo Hercolani (from 5 pm to 7 pm).

25/02: Introductory and organizational meeting

04/03 (Exceptionally on Wednesday): Le discontinuità interne al capitalismo: viviamo in una nuova fase? con Andrea Fumagalli (Università di Pavia)

17/03: Il lavoro di cura e la riproduzione sociale con Angela Balzano (Università di Bologna)

31/03: Il reddito di base: una possibile risposta con Emanuele Leonardi (Universidad de Coimbra)

07/04: La logistica del nuovo capitalismo con Devi Sacchetto (Università di Padova), Angelo Mastrandrea (giornalista della rivista Internazionale) e Giulia Roncagalli (Università di Padova)

21/04: Le operazioni di capitale con Sandro Mezzadra (Università di Bologna)

05/05: La gig economy e l’impatto sulle città con Marco Marrone (Università di Bologna) e Maurilio Pirone (Università di Bologna)

12/05: Saperi, professioni e nuove intelligenze. Conflitti e scenari del lavoro contemporaneo con Sergio Bologna (già docente universitario, autore per DeriveApprodi). Participate in the discussion: Mattia Frapporti (redazione Zapruder - Università di Bologna)

19/05: Sfide globali e prospettive sociologiche con Vando Borghi (Università di Bologna)

26/05: Soggettività e nuove tecnologie con Cristina Morini (journalist, essayist and independent researcher)


The texts and bibliographies related to each topic will be indicated and then made available to the students by the lecturers who will intervene during the seminar activity.

Teaching methods

The workshop includes, in the presence of the teacher, the analysis of the topics identified above. Through the contribution of experts (academic and non-academic) of the specific subject of each meeting, students will have to carry out a final paper (individual or group) starting from one of the topics dealt with in the classroom during the course of the workshop.

Assessment methods

A qualification (idoneità) is expected to be issued. It will be evaluated by the teacher starting from the attendance of students and group work that will be organized during the workshop.

Teaching tools

Audio-visual material.

Office hours

See the website of Federico Chicchi


No poverty Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.