39193 - Seminar 3

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (cod. 9235)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student acquired an up-to-date overview of the future in plant protection related to current, upcoming and potential technical means available and their practical application.

Course contents

TITLE: The new scenarios in the plant protection sector, in the year dedicated to Plant Health
Prospects and new technical means available and potential in the defence of plants from fungi, bacteria, viruses and insects (interfering RNA, peptides, plant extracts, etc.).

The final programme is available in iol.unibo.it


Presentations will be deposited on Online Teachings – IOL (https://iol.unibo.it/ )

Teaching methods

The seminar will be structured by remote lesson (Teams Platform) and held by teachers/experts outside DISTAL

Assessment methods

The verification of the learning (qualifying examination) will take place through a final test, reserved to the students enrolled. The test consists of an individual written test of 20 minutes. Examination dates will be communicated on June 4, during the presentation of the seminar.
The test consists of 10 closed answer questions in which the student has to choose, among various answers, the exact one.
To pass the test, the student must correctly answer at least 70% of the questions.

Teaching tools

Personal computer and web cam

DIDATIC MATERIAL - the teaching material presented in the lesson is made available to the student in electronic format. Access to material is granted only to students enrolled in the seminar.
DAYS AND HOURS: 4-5-11-12 June 2020 from 2 PM to 6 PM for a total of 16 hours.

LOCATION: remote by Teams platform

Office hours

See the website of Marina Collina


Zero hunger Good health and well-being Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.