85229 - Seminario on the Sociology of Deviance and Applied Criminology

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Criminology for Investigation and Security (cod. 8491)

Learning outcomes

Seminars intend to address some relevant issues in the field of criminology involving professionals and external experts because of their specific relevance and topicality. At the end of seminar series, the student a) will have acquired theoretical and practical knowledge on the issues that will be addressed and b) will be able to apply these constructs to specific concerns related to the field of security and social control.

Course contents

National and international experts and scholars will hold seminars aimed at offering students the opportunity to go further into topics dealt with in others courses. During the academic year 2019/20, seminars will address the following issues: the role of the media in creating feelings of both personal and collective insecurity in order to understand how people interpret risks; the relationship between security and fear as the main emotion / narrative related to public life; the role of criminal justice and victim support services in human trafficking and sexual and labour exploitation; global organised crime and its manifestation in Italy; violence against women and victim support services.

Below the detailed program of seminars:

Lunedì 21 ottobre 2019

ore 15-17 aula 11 TH, Viale Corridoni, 20 – Forlì

Eleonora Nestola - Avvocato italiano stabilito in Belgio e specializzato nel settore del digitale

Campagne Elettorali on-line: un rischio per la democrazia ?


Martedì 22 ottobre 2019

ore 15-17 aula 12 TH, Viale Corridoni, 20 – Forlì

Roberta Zaccagnini – - Senior Head of Activism Unit, Amnesty International Sezione Italiana

Tutti parlano di hate speech.


Lunedì 04 novembre 2019

ore 15-17 aula 11 TH, Viale Corridoni, 20 – Forlì

Marco Omizzolo - Ricercatore Eurispes e Amnesty International Italia, collaboratore Espresso, Repubblica, Presidente centro studi Tempi Moderni.

Agromafie e caporalato nelle campagne italiane: il caso dei braccianti indiani dell’Agro Pontino. Analisi e percorsi di emersione e contrasto.

Mercoledì 6 novembre 2019

ore 15-17 aula 15 TH, Viale Corridoni, 20 – Forlì

Elisabetta Aldrovandi, avvocato garante delle vittime di reato Regione Lombardia.

Titolo: Codice rosso e prime applicazioni pratiche. Una reale maggiore tutela per le vittime?


Mercoledì 13 novembre 2019

ore 15-17 aula 15TH, Viale Corridoni, 20 – Forlì

Luca Cimino, medico chirurgo, specialista in medicina legale, in psicoterapia e in psichiatria

La perizia psichiatrica in tema di imputabilità e di pericolosità sociale: aspetti metodologici e criticità alla luce dei recenti mutamenti normativi.


Mercoledì 20 novembre 2019

ore 15-17 aula 10 TH, Viale Corridoni, 20 – Forlì

Gabriele Colasanti, avvocato.

Il ruolo del Consulente Tecnico nelle indagini difensive


Tuesday 3 March 2020

ore 15-17, aula 12 TH, Viale Corridoni, 20 – Forlì

Francesco Amici, PhD candidate in "Scienze giuridiche", - Università di Parma.

Condotta intimidatoria e manifestazione del consenso negoziale: profili di rilevanza della minaccia di suicidio.



Thursday 23 April 2020

ore 15-17, aula 15 TH

Giacomo Buoncompagni, Dottorando di ricerca in Human sciences, Università di Macerata.

Processi migratori e ambienti digitali tra partecipazione, integrazione, rischio e sicurezza.





 The detailed bibliography of seminars will be provided in September, before the start of the courses.


Teaching methods

Lectures and class discussions.

Assessment methods

Students have to attend seminars (at least 70%). Assuming that seminars will be at least 10, students are supposed to attend at least 7 seminars.

To pass the exam, students have to write a paper (max 2,000 words, bibliography included) on one of the topics addressed during seminars, arranging a bibliography with professor.

Teaching tools

PC and videoprojector.

Books and Papers published on scientific journal

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Pierluigi Musarò


No poverty Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.