75100 - Regional Economic Policies

Academic Year 2019/2020

Learning outcomes

The course would make the students be able to analyse the regional policies and their effects on the economic and social development, with particular reference to the EU and Italian regions.

To reach these objectives the students will be able to use the most important regional data bases to study the Regional economical policies (Regio- Data Base Eurostat, Istat-Data Base).

Course contents

The Cohesion Policy of the European Union (8 hours front and 4 hours of laboratory):

- Objectives and principles of the EU Cohesion Policy
- The Structural Funds and the National Strategic Framework in the 2007-2013 programming, the characteristics of the programming period of the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020.
-The implementation of the Cohesion Policy in some European regions.
Insights on the critical issues in the implementation of the Cohesion Policy in some Italian regions
-Data for Development Policies (DPS, Istat). service objectives, key context indicators and targets
- Programmatic documents: the 2014-2020 partnership agreement

Italian Industrial Districts: evolution, characteristics and future prospects (4 frontal and 2 laboratory hours):
-A focus on Italian agro-food districts

Indicators for the measurement of the territorial capital and welfare (4 frontal and 4 laboratory hours):
- The territorial capital in the Italian regions and in the cities
- The BES project: indicators of Fair and Sustainable Wellness
- The quality of life in cities - The Eurostat Urban Database
and the UrBes project

The theory of economic growth and growth factors (8 frontal and 4 laboratory hours):
Economic growth and economic convergence: models and estimates

Monographic topic (2 hours):

Ue Budget 2021-2027. Future Cohesion Policy 2021-2027


European Commission, Summary of the Partnership Agreement for Italy, 2014-2020, October 2014

The 2007-2013 italian performance reserve – measurable objectives for public services provision in mezzogiorno (“obiettivi di servizio”)

A new, modern Multiannual Financial Framework for a European Union that delivers efficiently on its priorities post-2020

Industrial districts, innovation and I-district effect: territory or industrial specialization? - Rafael Boix, 2007

Industrial districts as ‘learning regions’. A condition for prosperity? - Bjørn Asheim, 1995

Agri-food districts: theory and evidence – Brasili, Fanfani, 2005

Lo sviluppo locale – Ciapetti, 2010

I distretti industriali del Terzo Millennio – F. Guelpa, S. Micelli, 2007 Cap.1

I distretti industriali del Terzo Millennio – F. Guelpa, S. Micelli, 2007 Cap.7

Qualità istituzionale e capitale sociale: un’analisi regionale europea (da studiare paragrafi 3 e 4)

Le esperienze e i progetti nelle città: Bologna (Brasili, Giannini)

Twenty years of multi-level governance: ‘Where Does It Come From? What Is It? Where Is It Going?’

The conflicting effects of multi-level governance and the partnership principle: Evidence from the Italian experience

Chapter 2. Le politiche comunitarie e nazionali- Il rapporto sul Sistema Agroalimentare dell'Emilia-Romagna 2018

To read:

Coesione, convergenza e integrazione nell'Unione Europea - Leonardi R., 1997 pp.71-105

Coesione, convergenza e integrazione nell'Unione Europea - Leonardi R., 1997 pp.13-69

Charron Rothstein - Quality of Government in EU regions

What do citizens think about redistribution and aid within the EU?

Istat misure di produttività 1995-2015

Materiale seminario Ciapetti

Teaching methods

The teaching method followed is to theoretically address a problem of economic policy (through frontal lessons) and then to show the empirical analysis approach through the use and discussion of data related to the problem in the lessons in the computer lab.

Assessment methods

The verification of the degree of learning of the topics will be conducted in two ways: a) an oral exam covering the entire course program and b) chosen by the student to prepare a paper agreed during the course that will be presented during the exam (and will be the subject of further study).

In particular, we intend to verify the achievement of the following educational objectives:
- knowledge of the economic policies of the European Union and its links with Italian and international ones;
- appropriate use of the methodological tools illustrated during the lectures;
- ability to ask Research Questions concerning the use of these tools to analyze the effects of policies;
- ability to discuss the results obtained in order to interpret the phenomenon under study, in the light of the literature on the subject and current economic policy strategies.

Teaching tools

The educational material will be available on the website: https://iol.unibo.it/ (Insegnamenti On Line)
The main sources of regional economic, national and international data will be illustrated.

Office hours

See the website of Cristina Brasili