72590 - Control of Wildlife

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Paolo Trevisi
  • Credits: 3
  • SSD: AGR/19
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Land and agro-forestry Sciences (cod. 8525)

Learning outcomes

The course give the basic scientific and technical knowledge about wildlife animal management (only terrestrial), including the rearing techniques

Course contents

The student that aim to attend this course should have already acquired a good compression in the basic biology, genetic and rearing of farm animals. The course is divided in 6 units :

1) National and Regional regulations to manage the wildlife animals

2) resettlement of wildlife animal

3) Ungulates in Italy, description of morphology, physiology and behaviour and rearing techniques.

4)relationship between management and rearing of the wildlife animals. Rearing techniques

5) Slaughtering procedures

6) defensive strategies for the agricultural productions agains the wildlife animals damage.

The courses includes seminars carried out by the professionals from the wildlife animal management


PowerPoint presentation and (http://agricoltura.regione.emilia-romagna.it/caccia).

- The slide are uploaded on te web site Alma AMSCampus

Teaching methods

Metodi didattici

The courses is divided in two teaching units:

1) theory: 18 hours of frontal lectures supported by videos, photos and slides

2) Practice: 12 hours of seminaries

Assessment methods

The course is a part of the integrate course of " Control of Wildlife ” that is divided in two parts: " wildlife animal management” and "economical management of the protected areas”.

An interviews is planned at the end of the course. Two questions will be posed (one for each part). The student successfully pass the interview with an average evaluation of at least 18/30

Criteria for evaluating the acquisition of knowledge / skills:
- understanding of the student about the posed questions;
- ability to connect and compare the different aspects and treated arguments;
- exposure capacity and specific terminology.

The fulfillment of the three criteria on the entire oral test and for both the sub-course, entails obtaining an evaluation of 30/30 cum laude

Access to the exam is free. The test lasts at least 20 minutes. The date, time and location of the test is published on the courses web site. To register for the exam, the student must be used the AlmaEsami web application.

Students aims in taking the exam in English must contacted the professor at least two days in advance.

Teaching tools

Slide and PC

Office hours

See the website of Paolo Trevisi


Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.