Foto del docente

Paolo Trevisi

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-09/B Animal Nutrition and Feeding

Short Bio

In 2005 Prof Paolo Trevisi had the PhD in Livestock Science at the University of Bologna. In the 2011 was recruited as researcher and in 2013 until today he is Associate Professor on livestock production and management at the same University. Prof. Paolo Trevisi was involved in 5 EU research projects and one MSC ITN project and he establish collaborations with several companies to promote the transfer knowledge and to support the innovation on the livestock sector. His research activity is mainly focused on pigs, with the main objective to minimize the impact of the pig production by increase the production efficiency, increase the natural resistance of the animals to the illnesses and to design now feeding strategies less impacting and that lower the competition food/feed. Prof. Trevisi established the first network (COST Action FA1401 - PiGutNet) on the study of the factors affecting the gut microbiota on pigs and he is involved in several initiatives on this topic. Since the 2014 he has a collaboration with the Emilia Romagna region to develop the guidelines for the proper use of antibiotic in pigs.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 6545

Other contacts


Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari
Viale Fanin 46, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

The Professor is available after class. Otherwise, is possible to book a slot by sending an e-mail at the address “”. The student will be decide to have a physical meeting (build n.46, second floor) or a web meeting by the Teams platform