ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7019-6828
2014- current: Associate Professor in in Animal Science - Department of Agricultural and Food Science (DISTAL) - University of Bologna2018: Abilitazione a Professore di Prima Fascia settore 07/G1 - SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE ANIMALI
The areas of interest are pig feeding and breeding. In the last 15 years, he participated in five European projects, three of which are still active, and had various collaborations with important national and international companies. He studied feeding and management strategies in pigs aimed to improve their efficiency, natural resistance to enteric pathogens and reduce technopathies and negative interactions between the subjects in order to improve their well-being on the farm. He also studied gut eubiosis and the interplay between the host and the microbiota. These research topics have the ultimate goal of reducing the use of antibiotics in pig farming. He carries out an intense activity of technology transfer of research results that have led to the development of new products and voluntary certifications in the pig sector in collaboration with the GDO. this collaboration was gained from the participation in three projects, two of which on the Rural Development Plan of the Emilia-Romagna and one in Lombardy. In July 2015 it was called for a hearing at the meeting of the Agriculture and Health Commissions of the Senate of the Italian Republic on the topic of antibiotics in livestock. He collaborated with the Emilia Romagna Region on the drafting of guidelines for the prudent use of antimicrobials in pigs.
2011– 2014: Assistant Professor in Animal Science - Department of Agricultural and Food Science (DISTAL) - University of Bologna
2001-2004- PhD student – University of Bologna
2005-2007- Research fellowship – University of Bologna
2007-2009 - Post-Doctorate – University of Bologna
2010-2011 - Research fellowship - University of Bologna
Lead the group of pig feeding and nutrition that include 6 people: two PhD students, one temporary researcher and three research fellow.
- Chaired the COST Action EU network PiGutNet that included 22 countries.
- co-tutor of three PhD students in collaboration with the Agroscope research centre in Posieux (Swizerland), two of them in the framework of the project MSCA Monoguthealth
- 2018-current EU funded project (Horizon 2020): “Controlling Microbiomes Circulations for Better Food Systems” (CIRCLES) - duration 60 months. [Partner]
- 2019-current EU funded project (Horizon 2020): "Rethinking of Antimicrobial Decision-systems in the Management of Animal Production" (ROADMAP) - 2019 - duration 48 months. [Partner]
- 2021-current EU funded project H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 - ETN - "Training and research for sustainable solutions to support and sustain gut health and reduce losses in monogastric livestock" (MonoGutHealth) [Partner].
- Member of the teaching for the EU project UNA EUROPA “Disseminate antimicrobial resistance knowledge and the use of whole genome sequencing on relevant bacterial pathogens during COVID-19 world emergency (DAMR) – 2021/2022.
- 2019-2022 Rural Development Plan project Emilia-Romagna Region, Project "Definition of a risk analysis and business consultancy tool to implement animal welfare and reduce the need for the use of antibiotics in heavy pigs" * R.E.R. * 16.1.01 - FA 3A – [Scientific coordinator].
- Rural Development Plan project 2014-2020 Emilia-Romagna Region, FOCUS AREA 3A Operazione 16.2.01. Project ID: 5053383. Title: Risk assessment and prevention of aggressive behavior in the heavy pig production system for PDO products, 2018/2019 [Scientific coordinator].
- Rural Development Plan project 2014-2020 Emilia-Romagna Region, FOCUS AREA 3A Operazione 16.2.01. ID progetto: 5052772. Title: Feeding strategies to improve survival of suckling and weaned piglets in the heavy pig production chain for PDO products, 2018/2019 [Scientific coordinator].
- Rural Development Plan project 2014-2020 Lombardy Region, Operation 16.2.01. «Pig waste and the environment: abatement of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in wastewater to protect water resources and the soil». [Partner].
- Rural Development Plan project 2014-2020 Emilia-Romagna Region, Title: “Definizione di un manuale aziendale per implementare le buone pratiche di allevamento finalizzate a ridurre l’impiego di antibiotici e quindi l’insorgenza di nuova antibiotico-resistenza nell’allevamento del suino pesante” *R.E.R.*16.1.01 - 2016-2018
- Rural Development Plan project 2014-2020 Emilia-Romagna Region, Title: “Approccio integrato per ridurre il consumo di antibiotici nella produzione del latte destinato alla produzione di formaggi DOP regionali, contribuendo a diminuire il rischio di insorgenza dei fenomeni di antibioticoresistenza” *R.E.R.*16.1.01 - 2016-2018
- 2015-2018 COST Action FA1401 “European network on the factors affecting the gastro-intestinal microbial balance and the impact on the health status of pigs (PiGutNet)” [Chair].
- 2009-2013 EU funded project: Interplay of microbiota and gut function in the developing pig - Innovative avenues towards sustainable animal production" (INTERPLAY) – [participant].
- 2005- 2008 EU funded project: Development of natural alternatives to anti-microbials for the control of pig health and promotion of performance" (FEED FOR PIG HEALTH) – [participant].
- 2000- 2004 EU funded project: Defining and validating gut health criteria in young pig, based on digestive physiology, microbiology and mucosal immunology investigations for testing alternative strategies to in-feed antibiotics" (HEALTHYPIGUT) – [participant].
- 2019 invited by the National Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnologies and Life Sciences in the panel of experts invited for the drafting of the Concept Paper: “ITALIAN MICROBIOME INITIATIVE FOR IMPROVED HUMAN HEALTH AND AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTION.
- 2018 - Invited by the British government as an expert at the meeting "Global workshop - Innovations to reduce the use of antimicrobials in animals". Wiston House, UK
- since 2017 member of the “Pig Study Commission” of the European Federation of Animal Science(EAAP). Actual position – Vice president
- Since 2020 Associate Editor (monogastric) for Italin Journal of Animal Science –
- Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology
- Ottobre 2016 – Invited as expert to the Global Expert Network Conference on Innovations in antimicrobial drug research and development hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).
- 2022 - 8th International Akademie Fresenius (DE), Topic “Healthy pigs and the situation in Italy”
- 2018 - 6th International Fresenius Akademie Feed Conference (DE), Topic: Can the genetic background modify the gut microbiota and the response of healthy pigs to the environmental factors?
- 2017 - XLIII annual meeting SIPAS, (IT). Topic: Feeding strategies to prevent the use of antibiotics in pig production”;
- 2017 – FeedAdditives, (DE). Topic “How to apply the “omics” techniques in animal sciences and related critical regards”;
- 2017 - 6th Beneficial Microbes Conference (NL), Topic “The usefulness of the ‘omics’ tools to deeply characterize the effect of probiotic administration on the pig”;
- 2016 - The 4th International Conference on Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Animals, (NL). Topic “Factors affecting the gastro-intestinal microbial balance and the impact on the health status of pigs”;
- 2016 - 5th International Fresenius Akademie Feed Conference (DE). Topic “Nutrient-genotype interaction and metabolomics approach - new frontiers to disclose new ways to manage/understand the nutrient variability in pig”.