33715 - Political Geography (1) (2nd cycle)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Matteo Proto
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-GGR/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Geography and Territorial Processes (cod. 0971)

Learning outcomes

The course focuses on the advanced analysis of international and global political-economic processes according to a spatial perspective. Through an analysis of globalization issues and challenges the methodology aims to develop a critical thinking. The course analyses different concepts and conceptualizations: geopolitics, contemporary wars and conflicts, the relation between international institutions and national-states. Cartography and new visual technologies are embedded in the course.

Course contents

The course is divided in three parts.

In the first one the course analyses the relationship between national states and globalization processes in the context of new-liberal economy.

In the second part the course examines geopolitical theories, since its origins at the beginning of the 20th century, then through cold war periodo and till nowadays. These theories are analyzed according to Critical Geopolitics approaches. 

Finally the course deals with research topics of Political Ecology, study of the relationships between politic, economy and society in relation with environmental issues.

Non-attending students have to study a bibliography that comprehends: a general handbook of Political geography; one book related to spatialities in contemporary age; one theoretical book



For attending students bibliography will be communicated at the beginning and during the course


Non-attending students have to study three books:

1) J. Painter, A. Jeffrey, Geografia politica, a cura di E. Dansero, R. Sommella, UTET, 2011

2) One book between:

- P. Giaccaria, C. Minca (eds.), Hitlers geographies: the spatialities of the Third Reich, London, The University of Chicago Press, 2016

- M. Proto, I confini d'Italia: Geografie della nazione dell'Unità alla Grande Guerra, Bologna, BUP, 2014

3) One book between:

- J. W. Moore, Antropocene o capitalocene? Scenari di ecologia-mondo nella crisi planetaria, Ombre corte, 2017

- M. Focault, Nascita della biopolitica, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2005

Teaching methods

The course is organized with seminars where the students participate at least as actively as the teacher. In the first lesson the lecturer gives information about bibliography and other teaching tools and instruments, which students have to analyse. Books, journal articles, maps, etc. become subject for the debate in the following meetings.

Attending students should therefore regularly be present at the course, at least more than 80% of the lessons.

Assessment methods


Attending students have to elaborate an original paper related to one of the topics examined during the course. Paper subject will be previously discussed with the professor. The student will receive additional indication and bibliography to develop the paper.

Final evaluation will consider paper originality, the capacity to exploit a proper vocabulary, relevant for political geography as well as a correct written expression. Also the ability to interact in the debate during the course will be considered as part of the final grade.


For non-attending students is expected an oral test concerning the study of the text in bibliography. Final evaluation will consider the capacity to understand and explain theories and case studies presented in the books, as well as a correct oral expression and proper vocabulary.


Perfect and critical interpretation of the arguments and proper vocabulary and enunciation: excellent (27≤30L)

Concise and rote learning presentation, less original: between good (24≤26) and passable ((21≤23)

Minimal exposition and poor originality: passing grade (18≤20)

Teaching tools

Power point presentations 


Cloud sharing platform

Office hours

See the website of Matteo Proto