69649 - Linguistics for Interpreters

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Interpreting (cod. 8060)

Learning outcomes

Students - know the main aspects (terminology, concepts and methods) of discourse analysis and speech - will be able to process and use additional metadiscoursive knowledge and skills at a higher level.

Course contents

This course includes both theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. About theory, we will face the most useful concepts of discourse and speech analysis, text linguistics, and pragmatic, for developping conference interpreting skills.

Special attention will be given to the features of oral speeches, such as i) the use of implicits in communication; ii) coherence and cohesion; iii) text organization and syntax, in unplanned oral discourse and in oral planned texts.

Next to theoretical issues, students will do oral activities to improve their competence in Italian first language, metalinguistic and metacommunicative competences, their discourse strategies and, last but not least, their self-evaluation ability at the oral.

Practical activities will consist mainly of riformulation, summaries, intralinguistic translations of authentic texts or of mediated discourses.



We suggest reading and studying the essays and articles following the order they are mentioned in the bibliography.
PPTs and other materials used during the lessons are part of the program.

Compulsory readings
Bazzanella, C. (2011), Linguistica e pragmatica del linguaggio, Roma-Bari: Editori Laterza [cap. 1: Lingua, lingue e linguaggi, pp. 5-25].
Simone, R. (2008), Fondamenti di linguistica, Roma-Bari: Edizioni Laterza [cap. 12: Testo, pp. 403-453].
Bazzanella, C. (1994), Le facce del parlare. Un approccio pragmatico all’italiano parlato, Firenze: La Nuova Italia [cap. 1-Parlare e Scrivere, pp. 7-34; cap. 5- I tempi del parlare, pp. 95-121].
Garzone, G., Viezzi, M. (2001), Comunicazione specialistica e interpretazione di conferenza, Trieste, Edizioni Università di Trieste [solo par. 2.7, pp. 81-90 – Aspetti retorici e pragmatici; e par. 3.5, pp. 106-111, Modulazione e hedging nella prospettiva dell’interpretazione].
Marello, C. (1999), “Parafrasi di enunciati ellittici”, in Lumbelli, L., Mortara Garavelli, B., Parafrasi, dalla ricerca linguistica alla ricerca psicopedagogica, Torino: Edizioni dell’Orso [pp. 109-129].
Prandi, M. (2004), “Riformulazione e condivisione”, RILA 1/04. [pp. 35-48].
Turrini, C. (2004), “Metafora e dintorni: l’interpretazione simultanea del linguaggio non letterale al Parlamento Europeo”, in Bersani Berselli, G., Mack, G., Zorzi, D., Linguistica e interpretazione, Bologna: CLUEB [pp. 125-143].

Suggested integrative readings
For information purpose only, we suggest some integrative readings if you wish to deepen some of these topics.

Novelli, S. (2014), Si dice? Non si dice? Dipende. L’italiano giusto per ogni situazione, Ed. Laterza.

Orletti, F. (2014), La conversazione diseguale. Potere e interazione, Roma: Carocci Editore.

Manzotti, E. (1999), “Spiegazione, riformulazione, correzione, alternativa. Sulla semantica di alcuni tipi e segnali di parafrasi”, in Mortara Garavelli, B., Lumbelli, L., Parafrasi. Dalla ricerca linguistica alla ricerca psicolinguistica, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso [pp. 169-206]

Lombardi Vallauri, E., Masia, V. (2016), “Specificità della lingua persuasiva”: l’implicito discutibile”, in Ruffino, G., Castiglione, M., La lingua variabile nei testi letterari, artistici e funzionali contemporanei, Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore (pp. 637-652).

Teaching methods

Lecturing, workshops, individual and group activities.
Students active participation is requested.

Assessment methods

Oral exam including:
i) a discussion on the theoretical concepts of the course (2 or 3 questions);
ii) text analysis at the oral, followed by tasks of synthesis and reformulation at the oral.

More details will be available at the beginning of the course.

Criteria for evaluation:

-the ability to answer questions in a complete, clear and correct way;
-the ability to argue in a critical way;
-use of precise vocabulary;
-text comprehension, synthesis and reformulation at the oral.

More details on the features of the oral exam will be available at the beginning of the course.

This course of Linguistic for Interpreters is a module of Theory of Interpreting (I.C.). So the final note will be the average of the two different notes.

Teaching tools

PPTs, Internet, Videos, e-learning platform (Moodle).

Office hours

See the website of Cristiana Cervini