81615 - Pervasive Computing

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Moduli: Alessandro Ricci (Modulo 1) Mirko Viroli (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Computer Science and Engineering (cod. 8614)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, a student:

- knows the main aspects about the design and development of pervasive computing systems and applications;

- knows the main technique for modelling, designing, and simulating pervasive computing systems, in particular complex ones (large-scale);

- is capable of using reference technologies and tools (e.g. related to Internet of Things) for developing pervasive computing systems and applications;  

- is capable of designing and implementing pervasive computing systems in specific application domains.


Course contents


- Introduction to the main aspects and issues that characterise pervasive computing systems and pervasive software

- Main themes and directions:

-- Ubiquitous computing

-- Context-aware computing

-- Wearable and Eyewear computing

-- Internet of Things and Web of Things

-- Augmentation technologies


- Introduction to models, architectures, techniques and technologies that can be used to engineer pervasive computing and pervasive software systems

- Topics:

-- Formal approaches, techniques and tools to model and simulate complex pervasive systems (large-scale, self-organizing)

-- Programming models, paradigms, technologies for developing pervasive systems

-- Middlewares and infrastructures for pervasive systems


- Discussion and evaluation of main application domains for pervasive systems

- Research directions


    - Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals - John Krumm, CRC Press

    - Selected set of scientific papers

    Teaching methods

    The course is developed thought a set of lectures (~3 CFU) and activities in lab (~3CFU).

    Lectures are based the discussion of a selected set of reference papers and of the notes/slides provided by the teachers.

    Laboratory activities concern: (1) activities devoted to practice with models, techniques, technologies and tools discussed in the theory; (2) the development of a project.

    Assessment methods

    Two modalities (students' choice):

    - development of a project, to be presented and discussed during a colloquium;

    - writing a paper, either an original contribution or a survey/deepening about some course topic - to be presented and discussed during a colloquium.


    Teaching tools

    - Selected set of scientific papers

    - Notes/slides provided by the teachers


    Links to further information


    Office hours

    See the website of Alessandro Ricci

    See the website of Mirko Viroli