04871 - Italian Political System

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Moduli: Luca Pinto (Modulo 3) Roberto Cartocci (Modulo 1) Gianfranco Baldini (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 3) Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Political, Social and International Sciences (cod. 8853)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student knows the main actors and institutions of the Italian political system. In particular, s/he is able to analyze the functioning of the main Italian political institutions (Parliament , Government , Constitutional Court), as well as to interpret the significance of the recent institutional changes. 

Course contents

The course aims to introduce students to the knowledge of the main characters of the structure and functioning of the Italian political system. In order to understand the complexity of the elements involved, the course will start from the process of national unification, considering the main characters of the liberal and the fascist regimes before moving to the evolution of the democratic republican regime. Particular attention will then be given to the most recent developments in the political participation of the party system and the political and representative institutions, especially government and parliament


Students attending at least 3/4 of the classes will sit three different exams at the end of each module. The final mark consists of an average of the three parts. Each of the three exams will be based on chapters selected from the following books: 

1. M. Cotta e L. Verzichelli, Il sistema politico italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016 (3 ed.).

2. M.L. Salvadori, Storia d'Italia. Crisi di regime e crisi di sistema 1861-2013,Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013.

Non-attending students will also have to give an oral exam based on either:

- one of the following volumes:

M. Almagisti et al., La transizione politica italiana, Roma, Carocci, 2014.

G. Amato- A. Graziosi, Grandi illusioni. Ragionando sull'Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013.

G. Bedeschi, La prima repubblica (1946-1993). Storia di una democrazia difficile, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013.

P. Bordandini, La spada di Vendola, Roma, Donzelli, 2013.

M. Calise, Il partito personale, Bari, Laterza, 2010 (2 ed.).

A. Chiaramonte L. De Sio (acd), Terremoto elettorale. Le elezioni politiche del 2013, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014.

· M. Ferrera (et al.), Alle radici del welfare all'italiana. Origini e futuro di un modello sociale squilibrato, Venezia, Marsilio, 2012

Itanes, Voto amaro. Disincanto e crisi economica nelle elezioni del 2013,Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013.

G. Mammarella, L'Italia contemporanea 1943-2007, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012.

L. Morlino e M. Tarchi (acd), Partiti e caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, specie pp. 7-15, 105-243.

L. Morlino, D. Piana, F. Raniolo (acd), La qualità della democrazia in Italia, Bolgna, Il Mulino, 2014.

F. Musella, Il premier diviso. Italia tra presidenzialismo e parlamentarismo, Milano, Uni Bocconi, 2012

G. Orsina, Il berlusconismo nella storia d'Italia, Venezia, Marsilio, 2013

A. Pritoni (et al.) (a cura di), La prova del No. Il sistema politico italiano dopo il referendum costituzionale, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2017

F. Russo, Gli onorevoli. Cosa fanno e come ci rappresentano i nostri parlamentari, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013

L. Verzichelli, Vivere di politica. Come (non) cambiano le carriere politiche in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010.

-Or one of the volumes of the ITALIAN POLITICS SERIES (published by Berghahn since 1999 and il Mulino/Istituto Cattaneo in the Italian Edition)

Or 4 entries from:

E. Jones- G. Pasquino (eds), Oxford Handbook of Italian Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015.

Teaching methods

30 2-hour lectures, given by the three teachers; 

Assessment methods

Students attending at least 3/4 of the classes will sit three different exams at the end of each module. The final mark consists of an average of the three parts. Each of the three exams will be based on chapters selected from the following books:

1. M. Cotta e L. Verzichelli, Il sistema politico italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016 (3 ed.).

2. M.L. Salvadori, Storia d'Italia. Crisi di regime e crisi di sistema 1861-2013,Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013.

Non-attending students will write a single final exam, but they will also have to give an oral exam based on the reading listed above.

Office hours

See the website of Gianfranco Baldini

See the website of Luca Pinto

See the website of Roberto Cartocci