42780 - Pedagogy of Interculturalism

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student knows: the main connections between migration and learning processes, expecially when second generation immigrants are involved; the multicultural family models, with special attention to international adoption; the developmental processes of children and adolescents with foreign origins (or internationally adopted); the contemporary debate on multiculturalism and interculturalism. He is also aware of tools and strategies to plan and evaluate training courses on intercultural education in extra-school contexts; he understands the categorisation processes related to the formation of stereotypes and prejudices and is sensible to the aim to overcome ethnic conflicts; he knows historical, social and cultural factors that lead to racist attitudes and behaviors.

Course contents

The course will explore the main concepts and knowledge connected to the multicultural societies. It aims to promote understanding and reflection on new possible approaches for active citizenship. The topics covered in the course are the following:
- globalisation;  - multicultural societies and intercultural approach;  - stereotypes, prejudices and vocational approach;  - racism and cultural relativism;  - migration in the literature: the german and the italian case;  - diversity, differences, valorisation of the differences;  - assimilation, segregation and integration;  - intercultural education: construction and evaluation of outside-school learning paths   - conflict management. 
The topics will be explained and discussed through frontal lessons and thematic multimedia workshops.


1. Cuconato M. (2017), Pedagogia e letteratura della migrazione. Sguardi sulla scrittura che cura e resiste, Carocci, Roma.

2. Genovese A., Per una pedagogia interculturale, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2003. 

Students that can't attend the lessons have to chose an additional book between the following: Mosse G. M., Il razzismo in Europa. Dalle origini all'Olocausto, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2007.  La Cecla F., Il malinteso. Antropologia dell'incontro, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2007

2. Filippini F., Genovese A., Zannoni F., Fuori dal silenzio, Clueb, Bologna, 2010.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons, group discussions, workshops and seminars

Assessment methods

Oral exam and short essay

Teaching tools

power point and film

Office hours

See the website of Morena Cuconato