04487 - Sociology of Work

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Docente: Roberto Rizza
  • Credits: 4
  • SSD: SPS/09
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes

Students should acquire capacities to interpret the current transformations of work and employment, and of welfare and labour market policies in a comparative perspective. They should also be capable to elaborate, implement and evaluate active labour market policies, especially those referred to work inclusion.

Course contents

The course contents will be focused on:
- Labour in the industrial society
- The labour market structure
- Regimes of employment today: post-industrial society and labour demand in the service society
- Women and the labour market 

- Labour market flexibility and insecure employment 
- Unemployment models in Europe and activation policies

- The Italian model of unemployment


Reyneri E. (2011), Sociologia del mercato del lavoro. I. Il mercato del lavoro tra famiglia e welfare, Il Mulino, Bologna (chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4)

Reyneri E. (2011), Sociologia del marcato del lavoro. II. Le forme dell'occupazione, Il Mulino, Bologna (chapters: 1, 2).

Teaching methods

The course is devided in different parts: lectures will be alternated with group discussions, case studies and presentations made by the students.

Assessment methods

At the end of the course a written examination on the whole program.

The final evaluation will also depend on the presentations made by the students in class.

Teaching tools

Movies, documentaries, scientific articles not included in the textbooks, group discussions.

Links to further information

http://Siti web consigliati: eurostat, istat, Ilo, oecd, Isfol, fondazione di dublino, unione europea.

Office hours

See the website of Roberto Rizza