Foto del docente

Roberto Rizza

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-08/A Sociology of Economic and Labour Processes

Coordinator of PhD Programme in POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES

Short Bio

Full Professor of Sociology of Economic and Labor Processes, specializing in the interplay between labor market policies and social inclusion, the implementation of public policies and street-level bureaucracy, career trajectories, and gender disparities.

His research has been published in renowned national and international journals, including South European Society and Politics, Journal of Public Policy, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Sozialer Fortschritt, International Review of Sociology, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, Stato e Mercato, and Sociologia del Lavoro.

He is the author of several monographs, the latest being Gendering the Political Economy of Labour Market Policies, published by Routledge.

Recipient of a European Science Foundation grant, enabling a research fellowship at the University of Bamberg.

Currently serves as Principal Investigator of the PRIN 2022 project, ALMADIA: Active Labour Market Policies and Street-Level Bureaucracy: Discretion in Action.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 2548

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna - Go to map

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