06140 - Psychosomatics

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical Psychology (cod. 5962)

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to develop in the students a basic knowledge for the understanding of basic concepts of psychosomatic medicine and explore the main clinical and therapeutic guidelines.

Course contents

The psychosomatic approach

The course will take place during the second semester (from March to May 2024) at Cesena Campus of the Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

The clinical domains of psychosomatic medicine

Stress, chronic stress and allostatic load

Stressful events

Early life-events

Role of personality

Health and psychological well-being

Depression in medicine

Anxiety in medicine

Irritable mood and somatic diseases

Classification of psychosomatic distress

Illness behavior and somatization

Healthy and quality of family relationships

Social support




Essential textbook

- Grandi S., Rafanelli C., Fava G.A., Manuale di Psicosomatica, Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 2011.

- American Psychiatric Association (2022). DSM-5 TR: Manuale diagnostico e statistico dei disturbi mentali - Quinta Edizione. Raffello Cortina Editore: Milano.

- Ezio Sanavio (a cura di) Manuale di psicopatologia e psicodiagnostica: Capitolo VIII - Disturbo da sintomi somatici e disturbi correlati, di S. Grandi e L. Sirri. Il Mulino editore, 2016.

Additional readings

-Maria Cristina Verrocchio ( a cura di). Manuale di Psicologia Clinica. Piccin Editore, 2023

- Piero Porcelli.Medicina Psicosoamatica e Psicologia Clinica.Nuova edizione Raffaello Cortina Editore,2022.

- Kellner R., Psychosomatic syndromes and somatic symptoms, Washington: American Association Press, 1991.

Teaching methods

Lectures with clinical cases exemplifications.

Experiential teaching through role-play.

Assessment methods

The final evaluation is done through a final exam that ensures the acquisition of knowledge and skills expected by conducting in a interview, whith 4 open-ended questions on topics related to the main objectives of the course.

Erasmus or exchange students must contact the professor before the beginning of the course.

Students with special needs are invited to contact the teacher.

Teaching tools

Slides, PC, slide projector, overhead projector

Office hours

See the website of Silvana Grandi


Good health and well-being Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.