Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Silvia Grandi
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-GGR/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in International Development and Cooperation (cod. 8890)

Learning outcomes

Al termine del corso lo studente conosce le principali prospettive della riflessione geografica con particolare riferimento alla relazione uomo-natura e a quella tra società e ambiente. E’ in grado di ragionare e sviluppare analisi a scala locale, regionale e globale nonchè in termini multiscalari. E’ in grado di mettere in relazione elementi di geografia fisica ed ecologia con quelli di geografia dello sviluppo ed è in grado di affrontare analisi in prospettiva sistemica per comprendere e ragionare in termini di sviluppo sostenibile. Ha gli strumenti per leggere in maniera critica le sfide globali del pianeta Terra tra cui: il consumo delle risorse naturali rinnovabili e non rinnovabili; il cambiamento climatico; l’economia circolare e la sicurezza alimentare. Conosce l’evoluzione storica del paradigma dello sviluppo sostenibile e le sue critiche nelle principali trasformazioni concettuali e declinazioni di policy promosse a livello internazionale e locale. Infine, è in grado di applicare le conoscenze e le metodologie acquisite per analizzare il dibattito internazionale e per affrontare progettualità per lo sviluppo e per la cooperazione internazionale in termini di sostenibilità a partire da una prospettiva geografico-ambientale integrata a quella economica e di sviluppo umano

Course contents


The objective of the course is to investigate, starting from the geographical perspective, the fundamentals of the humankind-nature relationship as a substantial basis for understanding sustainable development and climate crises as foundational elements in practices and policies for the design, planning and definition of development strategies and international cooperation.
In particular, the lectures will address the following topics:

FIRST PART (First partial program).
- Introduction to geography and contemporary geographies. The evolution of geographical thought and of the humankind-nature relationship.
- The concepts of: space, place, territory, landscape, environment, local-global scale.
- The landscape and its readings from the deterministic to the semiotic approach. The visual analysis.
- The theory of systems.
- Biosphere, Ecosystem, Habitat and Ecological Niche. Ecosystem Services, Natural Capital.
- Renewable and non-renewable natural resources.
- Energy resources, critical raw materials and models. The extractivism and resource curse.
- The Anthropocene. Socio-economic systems and territorial systems. The metabolisms of industrial and tertiarised societies. .
- The phenomena of environmental degradation (pollution, deforestation, soil degradation, desertification, loss of biodiversity, atmospheric ozone depletion, alteration of the main biogeochemical cycles: water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus). 
- Representing the environment: indicators and indices, PSR and DPSIR models, environmental accounting systems.

- The evolution of the environment-development relationship. Conceptions of development, the evolution of the paradigm of sustainable development

- The 2030 Agenda and the Development Goals.

- Analysis of the contemporary challenges of Planet Earth: Climate change and its impacts in the geographies of the world. Global policies in motion.
- Development and its critiques. Crises. Conflicts and Just Transition. Alternative development and post-development.


Part 1

Bagliani M., Dansero E. (2011) Politiche per l'ambiente. Dalla Natura al Territorio. UTET

Padoa Schioppa E. (2021), Antropocene, Il Mulino, Bologna (capp. 1, 2, 3, 4)

Grandi S., 2018, Viaggio tra le concezioni dello Sviluppo, Editrice La mandragola, Imola (capp. 1, 2, 5, 6)

Part 2

UN, 2015, Risoluzione adottata dall’Assemblea Generale Trasformare il nostro mondo: l’Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (A/70/1) (scaricabile al link: https://unric.org/it/agenda-2030 [https://unric.org/it/agenda-2030/] /

Cartomà C., Conti S., Giaccaria P., Rossi U., Salone C., 2022, Geografia economica e politica, Pearson, Milano-Torino (capp. 1, 7)

+ slide and handsout in Virtuale

during lectures the most important chapter will be indicated

Teaching methods

Classroom lessons and via Teams, video-tutorials and workshops.

The course participates in the Unibo 2023/24 'Blending' type experimental programme

Assessment methods

Examination split into parts:

first part as written test (21 points)
second part as group work: presentation + report (11 points)


Oral overall examination (or missing parts when one of the partial exams has not been done)

Teaching tools

Slides in Virtuale


Selfevaluation test


Link to facebook page


Office hours

See the website of Silvia Grandi


Climate Action Oceans Life on land Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.