59288 - History of the Welfare State

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert in Social and Cultural Education (cod. 5726)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student:

- possesses an adequate knowledge of the methodology of historical research;

- connects the history of the welfare state with the general characteristics of the political and educational system of the western world and in particular of Europe in their evolution between the modern age and the contemporary age;

- will be able to present orally their assessments and conclusions regarding studies and analyzes of a historical nature;

- will be able to use the tools and methods acquired in the historical field to deepen their knowledge, implementing a wide independence of judgement.

Course contents

The course aims to analyze the genesis, vicissitudes and destiny of the welfare state in the light of its recent discussions in the current debate. We will proceed with an explanation and analysis of the key words and concepts, able to lay the foundations for a historical reflection of the topic and a look at the forms of politics and society of Europe between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Moving then from a long-term perspective, and with a view to a comparative analysis, the course will start from the birth of the modern State and from the transition from forms of assistance to the needy of mainly religious origin, to a nineteenth-century philanthropy, in order to address the issue of mutual and voluntary associations of male and female workers developed in the Europe of the industrial revolution. With a look at the different chronology of the European states, we will focus in particular on the development of social legislation in Italy: from the first laws for the protection of those unable to work, to the limitation of the work of women and children; it will then be highlighted how the two world wars affected the economic and social policies of the European states, to reach a "glorious" era after World War II until entering the season of crisis (and the revision of the Welfare criteria adopted up until then) that characterizes the era in which we live. Making history of the welfare state means making history of assistance systems for the poor, of social security policies concerning old age and disability, of forms of health protection, but also of the family, work and the rights of male and female workers, as well as making history of education systems and public interventions to ensure - from the second half of the 19th century - the widest possible schooling as a condition of full citizenship.

For to prepare the exam:

This is a basic course of contemporary social history, which can be inferred from studying or consulting a good upper secondary school textbook.


The following texts are to be prepared:


GERHARD A. RITTER, Storia dello Stato sociale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2003 (1991).

CHIARA GIORGI, ILARIA PAVAN, Storia dello Stato sociale in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021

CARLO PAGLIARINI, Associare i ragazzi, Marco Fincardi ed., with essays by Michela Marchioro and Dorena Caroli, Bologna, Pendragon, 2021.

Teaching methods

Lessons with discussion and presentation of documents (texts, images, audio/video files) which will be read/viewed and commented on in the classroom.

Assessment methods

The exam consists of an oral test on the topics of the texts indicated in the program and (in relation to attending students) on any other topic covered during the lessons. The grade is unique for both teaching modules. The oral interview aims to evaluate the critical and methodological skills developed by the student during the lessons and/or during the reading and study of the chosen texts. We will start with a specific question and we will try to verify the students' ability to deal with critical reasoning on the general topic of the course and in particular on the topics addressed in the chosen texts. A sufficient result will be obtained with a minimum knowledge of the topic and of the historical context, to achieve a higher mark the student will have to demonstrate that he has clear the basic notions of the general topic, but also that he knows how to reason and develop a clear and correctness of the exam topic.

Teaching tools

Video analysis and discussion.

Office hours

See the website of Marco Fincardi