37682 - The Role of Intestinal Microflora on Human Health

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Dietistic (cod. 8470)

Learning outcomes

Students must learn: 1. the classical and molecular-based methods of studying the intestinal microbiota 2. updated knowledge of microbial ecology 3. knowledge of changes induced by the microbiota on the intestinal mucosa and at a distance 4. the role of the microbiota in inflammatory intestinal diseases, in cancer, irritable bowel, pediatric allergies, obesity and diabetes etc.

Course contents

First day:
- Introduction to the knowledge of the intestinal microbiota of the healthy individual
- Microbiota and MAC (mucosa-associated microbiota characteristics)
- Methods for studying the intestinal microbiota (cultural and molecular)
Second day:
- Changes in the microbiota during life
- Microbiota and gastrointestinal functional diseases
- Overgrow-bacterial and breath test
- Microbiota and "brain-gut axis"
Third day:
- Microbiota, immunity and allergies
- Microbiota and colon cancer (sporadic and associated with IBD)
- Microbiota, NASH and hepatocarcinoma
Fourth day:
- Gastric microbiota and gastric pathologies
- Microbiota and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD)
- Probiotics and prebiotics


It is not necessary to purchase specific texts. The teaching material will be provided in class and can be downloaded from the "AMS Campus - AlmaDL - University of Bologna" website, using your university credentials (username and password).

Teaching methods

frontal lessons

Assessment methods

multiple choice tests

Office hours

See the website of Giovanni Brandi