00932 - Contemporary History (A-L)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the lessons the student has knowledge of the basic features of the political-institutional and socio-economic history of the 19th and 20th centuries. He is able to recognize the evolution of historical phenomena and events and how they influence the contemporary age.

Course contents

The program of 2020-21 also applies to the students of the previous courses


For the exam the students must prepare:

Albertina Vittoria, Il Novecento. Dall'età dell'imperialismo alla globalizzazione, Roma, Carocci, 2019. From chapter  IV (la Prima guerra mondianle) until the end (page 588).

Short notes: "Storia contemporanea, primi elmenti di metodologia", (Mandatory for everyone) free download:


you can find it also in:


In addition the students can choose a book from group A or two books from group B


Mirco Dondi, L'Eco del boato. Storia della strategia della tensione 1965 - 1974, Roma - Bari, Laterza, 2015.

Tony Judt, Postwar. La nostra storia 1945 - 2005, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2017. (Da p. 245 a p. 988)

Maurizio Ridolfi, Storia della politica. Italia e italiani in prospettiva transnazionale nei secolo XIX - XXI, Milano, Pearson, 2020.



Oliviero Bergamini, Storia degli Stati Uniti, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2003

Mirco Dondi, L'Italia repubblicana. Dalle origini alla crisi degli anni Settanta, Bologna, Archetipolibri, 2007

Mirco Dondi, La Resistenza tra unità e conflitto, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2004 (only the first part)

George Mosse, Il razzismo in Europa. Dalle origini all'Olocausto, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2007

Claudio Pavone, Prima lezione di storia contemporanea, Roma - Bari, Laterza, 2007.

Gerhard Schrebeir, La seconda guerra mondiale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004

Francesco Soverina (a cura di), Olocausto/Olocausti, Roma, Odradek, 2003


Albertina Vittoria, Il Novecento. Dall'età dell'imperialismo alla globalizzazione, Roma, Carocci, 2019. Dal capitolo IV (la Prima guerra mondiale) sino al termine del volume.

Short notes: "Storia contemporanea, primi elmenti di metodologia", scaricabile gratuitamente nell'apposita sezione questo sito o all'indirizzo internet: http://Campus.cib.unibo.it/6044/

Claudio Pavone, Prima lezione di storia contemporanea, Roma - Bari, Laterza, 2007.

Teaching methods

Assessment methods


The exam consists of a written test that lasts one hour and is composed of 24 multiple choice questions divided in the following manner:

12 questions from the Manual and the Reader and 12 questions from texts chosen from group A and group B.

You must sign up for the exam on Almaesami.

The test is written. The maximum number students permitted is 50 for each exam session (there will be two sessions on the same day).

When you sign up for the exam, you must notify the course professor regarding the texts you have chosen by sending a signed e-mail with your name and surname to the e-mail address provided on the professor's website, indicating which texts you have chosen.

If you do not indicate the texts you have chosen, the enrolment will not be valid.

If you decide to withdraw from the exam, you must remove your name from the list to allow others to register. The enrolment closes automatically when there are 50 students signed up on the sub-list. The enrolment will close automatically one week before the date of the exam session. After this deadline it will no longer be possible to enrol. Requests addressed to professors to make exceptions will not be considered.

The criteria are described in the following table:

30 points with honours (lode) for 24 correct answers

30 points with 23 and 22 correct answers

28 points with 20 and 21 correct answers

27 points with 19 and 18 correct answers

26 points with 17 correct answers

24 points with 16 correct answers

22 points with 15 correct answers

20 points with 14 correct answers

18 points with 13 correct answers

The test must be repeated if:

in the part relating to institutions, the student has not answered at least 7 out of 12 questions correctly and at least 3 questions correctly for each chosen text.

Those who are following a former study plan and need only take one part of the exam, will be tested on the Manual and the Reader if they only have to sit contemporary institutional History, and will only bring one text from group A. If they are sitting only contemporary monographic History (where the programme is restricted to one subject/theme), they will bring one text from group B. T he exam format is comparable for these students, with a 24-question questionnaire.

To simplify the enrolment in the various exam components, you will find 3 classifications on the website:

Contemporary history A-L (cfu 9) – for those who are signing up for the 9-credit exam.

Institutional contemporary history (A-L) – for those who still have to take the 3-credit exam.

Institutional monografico history (A-L) 3 credit exam.

Teaching tools

web, power point, movies and documentaries

Links to further information

http://Il corso inizierà a febbraio 2021

Office hours

See the website of Mirco Dondi