28081 - Philosophy of History (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Philosophical Sciences (cod. 8773)

Learning outcomes

The course aims at promoting the skills of recognizing and analyzing the main aspects of the Philosophy of History, as well as developing a critical attitude towards the main themes of the discipline. The module also aims at analyzing a series of authors, especially contemporary ones, as an orientation in the main research issues that are still open in the discipline.

Course contents

Ontology of Power. Deconstructing the History of Metaphysics with Spinoza Ethics.

The course proposes to start the study of one of the major works of the seventeenth century: Spinoza Ethics. In the light of the history of the recent literature, the major themes of the work, its structure and its main articulations will be addressed. Particular attention will be paid to the ontological part of the first two parts.

The course will have further details in the Spinozian readings seminar. It will therefore be possible to follow the course during the third period and the seminar during the fourth.



1. Philosophical works (compulsory one of them):

- Spinoza, Ethica/Etica, testo e trad. a cura di P. Cristofolini, ETS, Pisa, 2014.

- Spinoza, Etica, trad. a cura di E. Giancotti, Editori Riuniti, Roma, 2004.

- Spinoza, Ethica/Etica, trad. di G. Durante, note di G. Gentile rivedute e ampliate da G. Radetti, Bompiani, Milano, 2007.


2. Monography (compulsory)

Vinciguerra L., Spinoza, Carocci, “Pensatori”, Roma, 2015.


3. Critical studies (compulsory at least one of them):

Deleuze G. Spinoza e il problema dell’espressione, trad. di S. Ansaldi, Quodlibet, Macerata, 1999.

Matheron A., Individu et communauté chez Spinoza, Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1968.

Nadler S., Spinoza e l’Olanda del Seicento, Einaudi, Torino, 2002.


4. One of the following books (compulsory for non attending students): 

Mignini F., L’«Etica». Introduzione alla lettura, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2002.

Moreau P.-F., Spinoza e lo spinozismo, Morcelliana, Brescia, 2007.


5. One of the following books (compulsory for non attending students):

Balibar É., Spinoza. Il transindividuale, Mimesis, Milano, 2014.

Bordoli R., Baruch Spinoza: etica e ontologia. Note sulle nozioni di sostanza, di essenza e di esistenza nell’Ethica, Guerini, Milano, 1996.

Bove L., La strategia del conatus. Affermazione e resistenza in Spinoza, a cura di F. Del Lucchese, pref. di T. Negri, Ghibi, Milano, 2002.

Caporali R., La pazienza degli esclusi. Studi su Spinoza. Mimesis, Milano, 2012.

Cristofolini P., L’uomo libero. L’eresia spinozista alle radici dell’Europa moderna, ETS, Pisa, 2007.

Deleuze G., Spinoza. Filosofia pratica, trad. it. di M. Senaldi, Guerini, Milano, 1991.

Morfino V., Genealogia di un pregiudizio. L’immagine di Spinoza in Germania da Leibniz a Marx, Olms Verlag, “Europea Memoria”, Hildesheim-Zurigo-New York, 2016.

Negri T., L’anomalia selvaggia. Saggio su potere e potenza in Baruch Spinoza, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1981.

Sangiacomo A., Homo liber. Verso una morale spinoziana, Mimesis, Milano, 2011. 

Vinciguerra L. Spinoza, Hachette, Paris, 2002. 

Visentin S., La libertà necessaria. Teoria e pratica della democrazia in Spinoza, ETS, Pisa, 2001.


6. Commentaries (recommended)

- Ronbison L., Kommentar zu Spinozas Ethik, Felix Meiner, Lipsia, 1928.

- Joachim H. H., A Study of the Ethics of Spinoza, Russell & Russell, New York, 1964.

- Guéroult M., Spinoza, 2 voll., Aubier Montaigne, Parigi, 1968-74: vol. I, Dieu (Éthique, I), 1968; vol. II, L’Âme, (Éthique, II), 1974.

- Macherey P., Introduction à l’Éthique de Spinoza, 5 voll., PUF, Parigi, 1994-1998.


Office hours

See the website of Lorenzo Vinciguerra