81473 - Evidence Based Practice

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Podiatry (cod. 8479)

Learning outcomes

Understanding the principles of EBP and their application to clinical practice

Course contents

General introduction to principles of EBP

Scientific literature search. Develop a well-defined question. Identification of the best sources to answer a clinical question and to help with efficient literature searching for clinicians

The use of electronic resources and open access resources; critical evaluation of data from literature

Guidelines and Systemic reviews

The process of research method: rules, features. Designing a research study: observational and experimental studies. Collecting data: questionnaires, evaluation scales. Research Ethics Committees


Chiari P, Mosci D, Naldi E. et all., Evidence Based Clinical Practice 2 ed, 2011, McGraw-Hill

Teaching methods

Classroom lessons

Assessment methods

The final exam is an oral exam in which the student will be asked to discuss two topics from the program (one will be a student's choice). During the interview, questions will verify the degree of in-depth knowledge of the proposed topics, and the critical ability to connect different knowledges covered in class will be evaluated.

The achievement by the student of a complete knowledge of the course contents, along with the use of the specific technical language, are assessed with marks of excellence. The mnemonic knowledge of the topics, with limited synthesis and analysis capabilities leads to discrete evaluations. Learning gaps and / or inappropriate language justify negative assessments or low marks.

Teaching tools

lesson pdf

Office hours

See the website of Daniela Platano