15349 - Internship

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Ornamental plants and landscape protection (cod. 8523)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the internship, the student acquires theoretical and practical knowledge in the specific professional areas of the course, as well as in the related decision-making and operational processes, also in relation to specific regulations and ethics. The student develops written and oral communication skills, interdisciplinary teamwork skills, as well as the ability of developing his / her own judgment.

Course contents

The curricular internship is an activity that allows students to acquire the credits required in the Program’s Study Plan and is also an opportunity to gain practical skills as well as encourage their first experience in the working world.

Who is eligible

Students are eligible for internships which must be carried out as part of their Program. Program Internship is a mandatory learning activity. You can find more information in the Internship Rules governing the conduct of the activities. These rules also apply to students enrolled under previous regulations that must comply in all aspects, except for the duration.


Unless otherwise established by national or European regulations, internships normally have a duration of 25 hours for every University credit assigned to this type of activity in the Program’s Study Plan. Internships must be completed within 12 months of their commencement date.


Regulations concerning Intership can be found at Course webpage

Teaching methods

How to choose the Company

Internships may be carried out in the University structures or externally, either in Italy or abroad. To choose where to carry out the internship, you can consult the list of structures that hold agreements with the University and/or internship offers already published.

If the Host Structure does not already have an agreement with the University, an agreement may be stipulated by contacting the Internship Office at DISTAL (distal.tirocini.bo@unibo.it) and the internship can start once the agreement has been stipulated,

How to activate an internship

Students can request an internship solely through the Internships Online application. Once the student have identified the structure in which he/she wish to carry out the internship, he needs to plan with the University Tutor and with the Host Structure Contact Person, his learning objectives and activities, the time lines to achieve them and all the other details required to complete the internship program. Once all internship details have been defined, he/she may submit the internship application online

Approval of the internship

Applications are submitted to the Internship Committee which must authorise their activation. Students must download their Attendance Register before starting their Internship. The Internship can be carried out in the period between the start and finish dates listed in the Attendance Register.

During the internship

During the internship, the student must stay in touch with the University Tutor, who can be contacted for any support or advice the student may need on how to carry out the activities, and the student must record the daily activities in the Attendance Register. The Internship hours must be recorded during the period between the start and finish dates listed in the Attendance Register. Before leaving the Hosting Structure, make sure that the Attendance Register has been signed and validated by the Host Structure Contact Person.

Assessment methods

What to do at the end of the internship

At the end of the internship the student must write the final report of at least 2,500 words, containing a description of the company in which he/she carried out the internship, the analytical description of the activities carried out and the personal reflection on the validity of the period of the training .

Subsequently, the University Tutor will check the documents uploaded (i.e., the Attendance Register, the final report and the evaluation form completed) as well as the evaluation form completed by the Host Structure Contact Person. On the basis of these documents, and possibly after meeting with the student, the University Tutor will evaluate the internship and will either approve it or request modifications.

In case of approval, the student will be allowed to present the report and to register the internship. To do so, you must register in AlmaEsami for Internship Final Exam, which has to be completed NO LATER than 30 days prior to the graduation date.

Teaching tools

Request for recognition of work carried out as internship

As an alternative to the internship, the student may request the recognition of accomplished work activity (or similar) field related to your degree that you carried out

  • after completing the activity in question (in Italy or abroad);
  • regardless of whether or not an internship agreement already exists between the Host Structure and the University of Bologna.

To obtain this recognition, students must check the instructions and complete an application form that are issued by the President of the internship committee (distal.tirocini.bo@unibo.it). After the evaluation of the admissibility of the request and the completeness of the documentation, the Internship Committee will express the consent or denial of recognition. In case of approval, the student will be allowed to present the report and to register the internship. To do so, you must register in AlmaEsami for Internship Final Exam, which has to be completed NO LATER than 30 days prior to the graduation date.

Insurance coverage

The University of Bologna guarantees insurance coverage for students against accidents at work and third-party liability claims. These policies are drawn up by insurance companies that specialise in the sector. If travelling to locations or structures out of those approved for the internship, it is necessary to request an insurance extension on condition that the journey requested is consistent with the objectives of the internship.

Online courses on health and safety are mandatory for all students.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Elisabetta Frascaroli


Good health and well-being Quality education Sustainable cities Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.