74051 - Libraries Management

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Library and Archive Science (cod. 9077)

Learning outcomes

The course introduces the knowledge of the principles and tools of service management of archives and libraries, and aims to develop the knowledge of the methods of management. After completing the course the student knows the models and management tools, methods and problems of librarianship and of the archival management. He knows how to design and manage a critical management models of the library and archivistical service.

Course contents

The course will illustrate the strategic application of tools utilised particularly in a librarian context for the formation, management, development, valorisation and promotion of the collections and services, for the optimal use of human and financial resources, for fundraising, for the appraisal of the satisfaction and needs of the user and for the evaluation of the quality of services.

Topics such as management and collection development, aims and services, inter librarian cooperation, benchmarking, communication, gauge and evaluation of quality, customer satisfaction, marketing and organisation of spaces will be dealt with.

Particular analysis space will be given to the theme of the author's and in-person library, presenting the bibliographic characteristics and the difficulties in managing libraries.

The student will be able to evaluate critically the relation between the documentary collections, the services and uses not only from the point of the view of the overseer but also from the user and therefore actively participate in the social and cultural arrangement and handling of documents and of their retrieval and their organisation for the purposes of personal use.


Giovanna Granata, Introduzione alla biblioteconomia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009.

Fiammetta Sabba, Biblioteche e carte d’autore, tra questioni cruciali e modelli di studio e gestione «AIB Studi» 56 (2016) 3, p.421-434.

Fabio Venuda, Le raccolte di documenti personali: uno studio per la ricerca e la valorizzazione, «AIB Studi» 57 (2017) 1, p. 63-78.

** For those not attending the course, we recommanded the following:

Biblioteche e biblioteconomia: principi e questioni, a cura di Giovanni Solimine e Paul Gabriele Weston. Roma, Carocci editore, 2015, p.137-151, 175-204, 467-497.

S.R. Ranganathan, Il servizio di reference, a cura di Carlo Bianchini; prefazione di Mauro Guerrini, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2010.


To consolidate the foundations of librarianship we recommend the following:

Giorgio Montecchi - Fabio Venuda. Manuale di biblioteconomia. Quinta edizione interamente riveduta e aggiornata. Milano, Bibliografica, 2013 (tutto).

Teaching methods

rontal lectures and active student participation with practical exercises in the lecture room on problem solving in the library.

< https://iol.unibo.it/course/view.php?id=39677> Password given by teacher

Assessment methods

The exam consists of an oral interview to assess the knowledge of the topics discussed during the lessons and the recommended bibliography, and the critical and methodological abilities matured by the student.

They will consider:

- Mastery of the content

- The ability to synthesize and analyze the themes and concepts

- The ability to know adequately and with appropriate language to the subject matter.

You will notice that lack of training, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the bibliographic materials offered during the course will be evaluated negatively.

Teaching tools

Projection of illustrative slides and analysis of practical models of questions dealt with through information technology support, visits to libraries and documentation centers, lecture notes provided by the teacher.

It should be noted that initiatives (seminars, conferences, presentations of books ...) reported and / or organized by the teacher are to be considered part of the Teaching and will be recognized during the examination.

Office hours

See the website of Fiammetta Sabba