79450 - Integrated Orchard And Vineyard Management

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Moduli: Carlo Andreotti (Modulo 1) Massimo Tagliavini (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in International Horticultural Science (cod. 8883)

Learning outcomes

The course will allow the students to use the available scientific knowledge and the modern technical tools to improve the ecological sustainability of cultural management and pest control in orchards, vineyards as well as in nurseries.

Course contents

Students attending this class must possess basic knowledge of tree biology and physiology to fully understand the subjects presented during the course. These competences are obtained during the first level degree and in the first-year of the master program. The course is divided in two modules and will focus on the following topics:

A) MODULE Canopy management (prof. C. Andreotti)

  • Introduction to the canopy structure (architectural models, fruiting habitus) and functionality (Teaching unit length: 2 hours)

    Relation between the vegetative and reproductive cycles

    Pruning as a tool to manage the competition between organs (roots, shoots, bud induction and differentiation, flowers, fruits, etc)

  • Pruning techniques (Teaching unit length: 8 hours)

    Dormant pruning

    Summer pruning

    Mechanical pruning

    No pruning techniques

  • Canopy training systems for low/intermediate/high density orchards (Teaching unit length: 6 hours)

    Training systems for fruit trees

    Training systems for grapevine

  • Management of fruit load (Teaching unit length: 6 hours)

    Alternate bearing and fruit thinning

    Plant growth regulators to control tree growth and fruit quality

    Control of ripening in grapevine

  • Protection systems (Teaching unit length: 2 hours)

    Shading nets, hail nets, plastic tunnel against rain, wind barriers

  • Production systems in nurseries (Teaching unit length: 6 hours)

    Production techniques

    Nursery management and legislation


B) MODULE Soil and water management (prof. M. Tagliavini)

  • Management of root growth and root activity (Teaching unit length: 4 hours)

    Root distribution

    Environmental and cultural control on roots

    Beneficial use of interactions between roots and micro-organisms in the rhizosphere

    Root pruning

  • Mineral nutrient supply (Teaching unit length: 10 hours)

    Nutrient needs

    Nutrient availability

    Nutrient cycling within trees and ecosystems

    Soil and foliar nutrient supply; fertigation techniques

    Management of nutrient-related physiological disorders

  • Water management (Teaching unit length: 10 hours)

    Soil water availability and water needs

    Plant and soil-based methods for irrigation scheduling

    Water stresses and irrigation strategies for enhancing fruit quality

    Strategies to enhance WUE and reduce water losses

    Regulated deficit irrigation and partial root drying

    Irrigation systems

  • Orchard- and vineyard-floor Management systems (Teaching unit length: 4 hours)

    Ground-cover vegetation and ground-cover systems

    Weed control methods

    Green Manure

  • Control of soil sickness and replant problems (Teaching unit length: 2 hours)


Lecture notes made available after the lesson on the on-line platform of unibz; handouts and articles provided by the instructor through internet services managed by unibz. Selected chapters from FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 66(available online), Fundamental of temperate zone tree fruit production (2005) and Apple, Botany production and uses (2003).

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons make up 60% of the time allotted to this course. The remaining 40% of the time is dedicated to lab- and field-activities, and visits.

Assessment methods

Oral exam at the end of the course on the entire program (frontal lessons and exercises/excursions). At least three questions on different subjects of the course will be asked. The number of questions is dependent from the quality and completeness of the answers given by the candidate.

Teaching tools

Frontal lessons using ppt presentations. Use of software the computer room. Field exercises with the use of scientific instruments. Field visits.

Office hours

See the website of Carlo Andreotti

See the website of Massimo Tagliavini