28473 - Interaction Analysis (1) (2nd cycle)

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to analyse examples of natural interaction in different institutional contexts, using the discursive psychology and conversation analysis methodologies. Students will learn to transcribe interactional data and to make structural analysis of institutional interaction, including both verbal and gestural behaviors (gestures, gazes, body postures).

Course contents


The course is dedicated to the study of  institutional interaction, focusing  on trial interaction and doctor-patient communication.

Types of data

Video recordings and transcripts of trial interaction and medical encounters.


Trial interaction: the analysis focuses on the structure and functioning of witnesses' examinations and cross-examinations, showing how witnesses contract their narratives and manage their credibility.

Doctor-patient communication: the analysis focuses on the different stages of the medical encounters and on the patient's participation during these different stages. 


Master in Pedagogy

The course is integrated by 18 hours dedicated to studying educational and familiar institutions, as specific contexts of socialization.

The first part will be dedicated to the analysis of classroom interaction  and the second part to family interaction. Examples taken both from literature and from a corpus of video recordings will give the students the possibility to learn specific techniques of observations and analysis of the interaction and socialization processes that develop in the examined educational contexts.


Master in Semiotics

J. Heritage & S. Clayman (2010) Talk in Action. Interactions, Identities and Institutions, Wiley-Blackwell. Parti 1, 2, 3 e 4. Students should contact Prof. Galatolo for agreement on further bibliographical material.


Master in Pedagogy

(Prof.ssa Galatolo - first 30 hours)

Mantovani, G. e Spagnolli, A. (2003) Metodi qualitativi in psicologia, Bologna, Il Mulino: cap. 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5.

Orletti, Franca & Fatigante Marilena (a cura di ) (2013) La sfida della multiculturalità nell'interazione medico-paziente, Salute e Società, Anno XII, n. 1.

(Pro.ssa Vassallo - 18 hours)

Fasulo, A. & Pontecorvo, C. (1999). Come si dice? Linguaggio e apprendimento in famiglia e a scuola. Carocci, Roma (ad eccezione dell’ultimo capitolo)

Un testo a scelta tra:

  • Ochs, E. (2006). Linguaggio e cultura. Lo sviluppo delle competenze comunicative. Fasulo, A. & Sterponi, L. (Eds.). Carocci, Roma. (introduzione e due capitoli a scelta tra i seguenti: II, III, IV, V, VI, VII)
  • Pontecorvo, C. & Arcidiacono, F. (2007). Famiglie all’italiana. Parlare a tavola. Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore (due capitoli a scelta)



Teaching methods

Papers' discussion, collective and individual analysis of data.

Assessment methods

Master in Semiotics

Students who attend lessons will make a presentation (oral presentation with power point) of a paper on medical interaction and/or trial interaction. 

Students who don't attend lessons, should contact prof. Galatolo to agree on the material to prepare for the examination. The examination will be an interview.

Master in Pedagogy 

Students who attend lessons will make a presentation (oral presentation with power point) of a paper on medical interaction or trial interaction for the first 30 hours of the course. The examination for Prof. Vassallo program will be an oral interview.

Students who don't attend lessons, the examination will be an oral interview on all the bibliographical material.

Teaching tools


Films, video, transcripts.

Office hours

See the website of Renata Galatolo