31201 - Persian Literature 2

Academic Year 2016/2017

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student has acquired a first set of intermediate level skills in the Persian language; He knows how to deepen the relevant literature and issues related to it, referring to the most updated bibliography.

Course contents


Linguistic part

(Students teaching 31201- Persian literature  2- 9CFU, can only follow the literary part of the program and prepare a paper on a literary theme, prior arrangements with the teacher.

Students teaching 31221 - Language and linguistic Persian 2- 9CFU, can only follow the linguistic part of the program and prepare a term paper translating literary texts from the Persian Italian and vice versa, upon agreement with the lecturer.)

The course aims to continue what has been gained in the first year and continue to deepen grammatical and syntactical aspects of neopersiano.

The contents of the course will be developed on modern contemporary Persian spoken currently in Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan (Dari Persian).
The texts used for the study of Farsi (Persian) to provide the necessary tools for students learning written and literary language and the spoken language.

Readings and translations of simple texts, suited to intermediate level of Persian studies, will be accompanied by exercises on spelling and grammatical analysis of the Persian language. In addition, students can expect guided learning grammar rules by reading and the use of everyday conversation texts.

Literary part

The second part of the course provides the introduction to the great linguistic change that characterized the language and literary culture of Iran since the mid-nineteenth century. The study of literary events that will give life to the new cultural reality of the country will be accompanied by reflections on the major political and social transformations of Iran and the countries that surround it.

The analysis of the works of the early protagonists of contemporary literature will provide the cognitive tools for understanding the Persian literature of the early twentieth century and its peculieralità.

At the end of the course in the original language readings of some poems of modern authors will allow students to be able to grasp, albeit to a limited extent, the stylistic manner of the recent Persian literature.


Persian-speaking exercises

Important Notice:

In addition to the program carried out by the teacher for teaching Persian 2 , will be made available to students of language " Exercise Persian " entrusted to tutor Nahid Noroozi in the following hours :

Beginning September 26, 2016

Tuesday h.17.15 -18.45 Writing Workshop ( Via Filippo Re ) Wednesday h.15.30-1700 Writing Workshop ( Via Filippo Re ) .


We recommend the following texts.

Linguistic part:

Y. Samareh, Persian language teaching (AZFa), Book 2, Alhoda publisher, 1993, Tehran (Iran)

A. Saffar Moqaddam, Persian Language, Book 2, 2007, Tehran (Iran)

D. Meneghini P. Orsatti, Persian-speaking course, Milan, Hoepli, 2012

A. Coletti, Grammar of the Persian language, Ist. R.I.I. cultural, 1986, Rome

A. H. Coletti Coletti, Dictionary Persian Italian, Italian-Iranian Cultural Centre, 1978, Rome

G. M. D'Erme, Grammar of Neopersiano, Ist. Orientale of Naples, 1979 Naples

F. Mardani, Dictionary Persian, A.Vallardi, 2004 Milan

F. Mardani, I speak Persian, A.Vallardi, 2005 Milan

S. Haim, Inglese-Persian Dictionary, Farhang Moaser, 1368/1989, Tehran

Literary part:

A. M. Piemontese, History of Persian Literature, 2 vols., Milan, Fratelli Fabbri, 1970

J. Rypka, A History of Iranian Literature, Doordrecht, Reidel Publishing Company, 1968

A. Bausani, A. Pagliaro, The Persian literature, Sansoni-Academy, Florence-Milan 1968

Ch. Balay, Z. Vesel, Aux sources de la nouvelle persane, Paris, 1983

F. Machalski, Litterature de Iran contemporain, I-III, Krakow 1965-1980

S. Hedayat, The Blind Owl, Milan, Feltrinelli, 1960 (then Milan, ES, 1993)

S. Hedayat, Three drops of blood, Milan, Feltrinelli, 1979

S. Hedayat, The Blind Owl. Three drops of blood, Milan, Feltrinelli, 2006

A. Kiarostami, A wolf lurking, edited by R. Zipoli, Torino, Einaudi, 2003

A. Kiarostami, The Wind and the leaf, (Persian text on front), edited by F. Mardani, Florence, The Letters, 2014

F. Farrokhzad, The massacre of flowers, edited by D. Ingenito, Naples, Orientexpress, 2008

F. Farrokhzad, is the only voice that remains. Songs of a woman rebel Iranian twentieth century, edited by F. Mardani, presentation of C. Saccone, Reggio Emilia, Aliberti, 2009

S. Sepehri, Until the flower of nowhere, edited by N. Norozi, presentation C. Saccone, Arcane, 2014

Sh. Parsipur, Women Without Men, edited by A. Vanzan, Milan, Tranchida, 2004

Sh. Parsipur, Tuba and the Meaning of Night, Milan, Tranchida, 2000

Sh. Ebadi, the golden cage, Milan, Rizzoli, 2008

Gh. Saedi, The house next to the forest, by F. Bertotti, Torino, Lindau, 2003

F. Bertotti, The minarets and the sky. Persian tales of the '900, Palermo, Sellerio, 1989

S. Behrangi, The little black fish, edited by M. Casari, Rome, Donzelli, 2008

G. Taraghi, Three Women. Stories from Iran, curated by A. Vanzan, Rome, Ed. Labor

Teaching methods

Lectures, film viewing, or Persian-language documentaries.

Assessment methods

The audit includes an oral examination in which the student is asked to read, translate and recognize grammatical and syntactical aspects of one or more songs in Persian, already studied during the course. And 'it is foreseen the conversation in language on a topic selected by the student.

Teaching tools

Will be made available to students texts of daily conversation and texts photocopied handouts translated from unpublished material about specific topics covered during the course and on the works of contemporary authors Persian not translated in Italian.

Office hours

See the website of Faezeh Mardani