66272 - Aquaculture II

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Aquaculture and Fish Production Hygiene (cod. 8834)

Learning outcomes

The course provides fundamental knowledge about modern farming technologies of the major marine fish farming (sea bass and sea bream) and some promising new species  of commercial  interest.   At the end of the course the student will acquire the technical and scientific knowledge to manage a modern system of marine aquaculture.

Course contents

Shrimp farming: important species of commercial interest. Shrimp production in Europe and in Italy. Farming techniques.
Extensive aquaculture, examples of extensive aquaculture in Italy
Recirculation systems: operating units of a recirculating system
Intensive aquaculture production: marine species production, with particular reference to sea bream and sea bass.  Hatchery, inland tanks, floating cages. 


Notes and slides.

I crostacei Biologia, produzione, patologie e commercializzazione A cura di  Rodolfo Ballestrazzi Edo D'Agaro

Acquacoltura Responsabile. A cura di S. Cataudella e P. Bronzi. Unimar-Uniprom (eds), Roma

Manual on Hatchery Production of Seabass and Gilthead Seabream. Moretti et al. Fao, Roma. http://www.fao.org/docrep/008/y6018e/y6018e00.HTM

Teaching methods

The course is divided in classroom lectures and practical training. During the lessons, the  various parts of the program will be explained, even with the projections of photos and videos relating to farming systems and technologies used in aquaculture

Assessment methods

The exam is oral and consists of asking to the candidate two or three questions to verify the  know-how on culture techniques of marine fish. In particular: The hatchery for sea bass and sea bream Intensive recirculation system Most important shrimp species and culture techniques  Extensive aquaculture in Italy The oral examination lasts form 15-to-20-min., during which they are expected to answer two to three questions related to the program.

Teaching tools

Overhead and video projector, PC, laboratories and visits to fish farms.

Office hours

See the website of Alessio Bonaldo