87900 - Communication In Institutional Areas

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Interpreting (cod. 8060)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the types of texts and the fundamental issues of intra-, inter-linguistic and intercultural communication in an institutional setting. He/she is able to understand, analyse and (re)produce oral speeches used in several istitutional settings.

Course contents

The first part of the course is focussed on communication in institutional contexts, with particular attention paid to the structure of oral speeches delivered in different public places (planning, coherence and cohesion), pragmatic facets of communication, communication strategies and the management of the implicit.
The institutional discourses (both monological and dialogical) will be extrapolated from heterogeneous communicative situations and contexts. Particular attention will be paid to political speeches at international, national and local level, academic speeches, including scientific ones, and to health and judicial speeches.

The theoretical-practical work will be carried out on texts in Italian with the aim of improving the understanding of institutional discourse, recognizing more quickly and competently its most complex issues, and therefore, on the one hand, facilitate the process of interlingual interpretation and on the other hand, know how to plan and propose a well-cohesive and effective institutional discourse in Italian.

The teaching of 'Institutional Communication' is part of the integrated course of 'Institutional and Specialized Communication' focused on the intralingual, interlingual and intercultural analysis of different types of textual (written and oral) institutional communication.



Lubello, S. (2016), “Usi pubblici e istituzionali dell’italiano” in Lubello, S. (ed.), Manuale di linguistica italiana, Berlino: De Gruyter (pp. 417-435).
Vellutino, D. (2018), L’italiano istituzionale per la comunicazione pubblica, Bologna: Il Mulino/Itinerari (un capitolo a scelta tra I, II, III, IV).
Cortelazzo, M. (2015), “Il cantiere del linguaggio istituzionale. A che punto siamo?”, LeGes 26-2015/1 (pp. 135-150).
Petrilli. R., (2015), La lingua politica, lessico e strutture argomentative, Roma: Carocci Editore (cap. 1 e 2, pp. 11-68).
Barone, L. (2007). “Metafore e vita istituzionale. Comunicati stampa e discorsi nell’Unione Europea”. In Bosisio, Cambiaghi, ecc. Atti del 7° Congresso AITLA. Aspetti linguistici della comunicazione pubblica e istituzionale, (pp. 155-176).
Raus, R. (2010). "Terminologia comunitaria e di settore nelle relazioni parlamentari" in Multilinguismo e terminologia nell'Unione Europea. Problematiche e prospettive, Milano: Hoepli (pp. 115-155).

Other suggestions (not compulsory):
Vellutino, D., Zanola, M.T. (2015), Comunicare in Europa. Lessici istituzionali e terminologie specialistiche, EDUCatt - Ente per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario dell’Università Cattolica.
Cedroni, L. (2014), Politolinguistica. L’analisi del discorso politico, Carocci Editore.
Cortelazzo, M., Pellegrino, F. (2002), “Trenta regole per scrivere testi amministrativi chiari”, Guida agli Enti Locali, n. 20, (pp. XXV-XXXV).
Sciumbata, F.C. (2017), Sono solo coincidenze? Proposte a Trenitalia per farsi capire (meglio) dai viaggiatori, Trieste: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste

Teaching methods

Lecturing, workshops, and practical work on texts.
Students active participation is requested.

Assessment methods

The assessment method will be communicated at the beginning of the course. The exam is aimed at evaluating:
i) students’ knowledge on institutional communication;
ii) students' ability to analyse a public speech;
iii) students' ability to predict and point out most probable issues in interpreting an institutional text and to show adequate coping strategies.

The final evaluation will also take into consideration students' clarity and precision during the oral speech, as well as critical reflection.

More details on the features of the oral exam will be available at the beginning of the course.

Teaching tools

PPTs, Internet, Videos, e-learning platform (Moodle).

Office hours

See the website of Cristiana Cervini


Quality education Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.