Teaching tutors

Teaching tutors deliver teaching support activities designed to help students gain information and assist them during their university studies.

Open positions

General information on teaching tutors

The figure of the teaching tutor

Teaching tutors deliver teaching support and assistance, coordinating their activities with the degree programme’s schedule of educational activities, such as seminars, tutorials, workshops, practical activities, all of which award credits. Tutoring may also take place within the framework of guidance projects approved by the university and financed by external bodies.

The contract, which runs for the entire academic year, cannot be extended but may be renewed for a maximum period of five academic years.

Who can become a teaching tutor

Those with a first-cycle degree or equivalent may apply for participation in selection processes.

Candidates enrolled in a degree programme for which tutoring is activated must have already sat the examination relating to the teaching activity/activities for which the Call for applications for teaching tutors was issued.

Admission requirements for individual selection processes are specified in the Calls for applications for teaching tutors.

The following may not take part in selections:

  • Teachers or assistant professors at any Italian university;
  • Those who have had a previous contract terminated due to a serious breach of contractual obligations or for other serious reasons;
  • Those who have a degree of kinship or affinity up to and including the fourth degree with a teacher of the departments or structures involved in the training courses, or with the Rector, the Director General or a member of the Board of Governors of the University.

How to become a teaching tutor

Applicants must pass a public selection process, either on the basis of qualifications only or on the basis of qualifications and an interview. A non-casual self-employment contract (continuous and coordinated contractual relationship based on one or more projects, or freelance contract for those already registered for VAT) is signed between the university and the winner of the selection process. The agreement does not qualify as a salaried employment contract and does not give right of access to the roles of university staff.


The remuneration is stated in the call for applications and determined by contract.

Payment is subject to validation of the certificate of completion of activities by the head of the teaching structure or his delegate.

The University will directly arrange third-party liability and injury insurance cover for the activities to be carried out by teaching tutors.

Training and professional development

Teaching tutors are required to attend mandatory training courses on personal data protection. 

Concessions and benefits

Teaching tutors are eligible for certain concessions and benefits:

  • Language courses
  • Psychological support service
  • Discounts to some theatres and museums
  • Discounts for food products
  • Discounts for the use of specific software
  • Pet care service
  • Merchandising (Unibostore)
  • Discounts for competitive and non-competitive sports (CUSB)

Useful documents

University Regulations governing teaching and tutoring contracts

Using University of Bologna spaces  [.pdf 658 KB]




Piazza Verdi 3 Bologna (BO)

+39 051 20 9 9617
+39 051 20 9 8951
+39 051 20 9 8952
+39 051 20 9 9612