Direct calls
Direct calls are a special means of access to the academic career, reserved to persons meeting specific requirements, as provided for in Article 1(9) of Law No. 230 of 2005. This is a form of direct recruitment that does not involve calls for applications, but a nominative proposal that the university sends directly to the Ministry of Universities and Research.
Direct calls concern:
- scholars working permanently abroad. The scholar must have been permanently employed abroad in research or teaching at university level for at least three years and hold an equivalent academic position in foreign university or research institutions;
- winners of high-level programmes (e.g. ERC or MSCA calls). The scholar be a winner within the framework of specific high-level research programmes, financed by the European Union or the Ministry of Universities and Research and identified by the latter with a Ministerial Decree. 919 dated 22/07/2022;
- renowned - exclusively for the position of full professor. The scholar is required to meet at least one of the following requirements:
- have held a similar position in foreign universities for at least three years;
- have been awarded other international scientific awards;
- have held management positions in qualified international research institutes for at least three years.
The department, within its role and financial planning:
- evaluates expressions of interest from scholars;
- requests the Board of Governors to fill the positions of (full and associate) professors and assistant professors by direct call.
Following approval by the Board of Governors, the proposal is forwarded to the Ministry of Universities and Research for approval of the appointment.
APOS - Settore Stato Giuridico Docenti - Ufficio Concorsi Docenti
Piazza Verdi 3 Bologna (BO)