Results of the 2025 ranking at a glance
- 146th in the world rankings
- 1st among Italian universities for the fifth year running.
Indicators and number of universities analysed
The 'World University Rankings' survey was launched in 2010 by the London-based editors of 'Times Higher Education' (THE).
This year, 2092 universities worldwide entered the ranking.
Area |
Indicators |
Teaching |
29.5% |
Ratio of PhD students to graduate students |
2.0% |
Ratio of PhD students to academic staff |
5.5% |
Reputation of teaching activities |
15.0% |
Institutional income |
2.5% |
Ratio of teachers to students |
4.5% |
Research environment |
29.0% |
Average number of articles indexed on Scopus per academic staff |
5.5% |
Research income |
5.5% |
Reputation of research activities |
18.0% |
Research quality |
30.0% |
Impact of citations indexed in Scopus using the Field Weighted Citation Impact (indicator based on citations weighted in the field of research) |
15.0% |
Strength of research (represents the 75th percentile Field-Weighted Citation Impact of all papers published by an institution) |
5.0% |
Research excellence (considers publications within the top 10 per cent of all publications by Field-Weighted Citation Impact) |
5.0% |
Research influence (influential publications cited by high impact publications) |
5.0% |
Industry |
4.0% |
Income from corporate research activities |
2.0% |
Patents |
2.0% |
International outlook |
7.5% |
Ratio of international academic staff to national academic staff |
2.5% |
Proportion of publications with at least one international co-author |
2.5% |
Ratio of international students to national students |
2.5% |