Results of the 2025 ranking at a glance
- 177th globally
- 3rd nationally
Indicators and number of universities analysed
This year, a total of 1744 universities were evaluated, 52 of them being Italian. The final ranking of each university is determined by 18 indicators, distributed among three sections with varying percentage weights: Environmental Impact, Social Impact, and Governance.
Environmental Impact (45% weight):
- sustainable environment: e.g., carbon footprint, zero-emission policy (15% weight);
- environmental education: degree programmes on sustainability, research centres on climate change (17% weight);
- environmental research: publications selected according to UN objectives criteria (13% weight).
Social Impact (45% weight):
- equality: e.g., the percentage of female students and researchers (12% weight);
- knowledge exchange: collaboration with international institutions (10% weight);
- educational impact: e.g., alumni impact on social institutions (7% weight);
- employability and opportunities: considering outcomes from employer reputation surveys (11% weight);
- quality of life: university commitment to the health and well-being of students, faculty, and administrative staff (5% weight).
Governance (10% weight):
- ethical culture: e.g., the presence of an ethics committee within the university (1% weight);
- open access publications: e.g., the presence of a university-wide Open Access policy (1% weight);
- dedicated staff for sustainable development (1% weight);
- transparent financial reporting: e.g., publication of university budgets online (1% weight);
- recognition of student associations (1% weight);
- student representation in university governance: e.g., student presence in the Academic Senate (1% weight);
- publication of Senate and Board of Directors resolutions online (1% weight);
- signing of the United Nations Charter against torture (1% weight);
- staff perception: e.g., Customer Satisfaction regarding staff (1% weight);
- citations policy: reference to publications and citations in Scopus related to SDG 16 Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions (1% weight).
See also
- QS Sustainability Published