Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna's vocation for education is rooted in fervent research, representing a fruitful combination that results in constant growth. These go together with an urge to maintain vital and dynamic relations with society and the world of work.
The mission of the University is described in art. 1 (paras. 3, 4, 5) of its Statute: “[para. 3] The primary goals of the University are teaching and research, two inseparable activities that pursue critical knowledge and are open to inter-cultural dialogue and interaction, respecting the freedom of science and teaching. Given its long-standing identity as a place of general studies, the University acknowledges the equal dignity and opportunities of all branches of learning that assure scientific and educational capital. This University protects and renews its cultural heritage, meeting different societal needs. [para. 4] As a natural place of knowledge and scholarship, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna must interpret and provide guidance for transformations of its time, by guaranteeing the development, innovation, transfer and enhancement of knowledge to the benefit of individuals and society as a whole. [para. 5] These objectives and tasks are pursued through the responsible contribution of all the University community members, on the basis of their specific skills: students, professors, researchers and technical and administrative staff. A primary value of the entire community is the respect of the individual's fundamental rights, which the University undertakes to promote and protect under all circumstances”.
Given the Multicampus structure defined in the Statute, the University interacts with an extensive territory and, thanks to its international vocation, maintains relations with the most important universities and research centres in the world via a continuous exchange of students, researchers and teachers. The education of new generations, the passion for culture united with a deep ethical conscience and the enhancement of the pluralities of its intellectual disciplines, are all essential features of the central mission of Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna and its role as a major public University.
In the context of the mission statement, the Quality Policies [.pdf] (being updated) describe objectives and define tools for the continuous improvement of quality that closely reflect the principles set down its Statute, as well as the mission and priorities defined in its Strategic Plan and detailed its Integrated Plan. Reference is made herein to all these documents.