Deadlines for internal and external requirements - research and third mission

Each year, professors, researchers, research fellows and PhD students of the University of Bologna are invited to update the IRIS catalogue with details of their scientific production. The deadline for reporting production completed by the end of 2016 was 15 June 2017. This important deadline, used for the annual update of the University Catalogue, was approved by the University Governing Bodies to ensure the provision of stable, appropriate and timely information for both local and national evaluation needs. Accordingly, only information finalised by that date will be usable in the subsequent evaluation initiatives, such as the VRA and the assignment of salary classes. The update of this data is also essential for completion of the SUA-RD form.

IRIS Catalogue 

Departments are required to complete the parts and sections of their SUA-RD 2014-2016 in accordance with a timetable that reflects the deadlines indicated in the ANVUR guidelines and the decisions of the University Governing Bodies.

The professors, researchers, research fellows and PhD students are also invited to collaborate, providing supplementary information in the manner that will be communicated to them in good time, in order to comply with the University and national deadlines.