Departments, Schools (if any), and Degree Courses collaborate with the administration of the University, even at Campus level, in managing the activities needed to deliver the annual teaching programme (organisation of lessons, management of classrooms, laboratories and libraries) and the related tests (entry and exit), as well as student services (guidance services on entry, during and on exit; international mobility; administration, the right to Higher Education etc.).
As part of the quality assurance system for degree programmes, in which transparency, communications and the completeness of information play a fundamental role, the University uses the portal, including the Campus pages, and first cycle degree programmes, single cycle degree programmes and second cycle degree programmes to:
- promote information about the programme catalogue of the University, paying particular attention to the variety of disciplines, the territorial coverage of the various Campuses, and the international opportunities (double and joint degrees);
- provide information and guidance about the learning objectives and the structure of the Degree Courses and related services and activities (classrooms, teaching calendars, libraries etc.);
- publicise how to access the Degree Programmes and their requirements;
- make available the teaching plans of the Degree Programmes and information about each learning activity, including the learning objectives, content, teaching methods and assessments; as well as the related teaching materials. Information sheets for each course unit can be found for all Degree programmes in the course structure diagram and in the specific section of the Portal "Course unit catalogue";
- provide information about international exchange opportunities;
- publicise the internship opportunities available and how these activities are carried out, as well as the initiatives dedicated to students who are about to graduate in order to facilitate their entry into the world of work (exit guidance).
The aspects of the Degree Programme relating to the above activities and the delivery of learning activities and teaching services are documented in the Annual Form for each Degree Programme (SUA-CdS), which is the information and management tool envisaged by the national AVA system that contains functional elements for the design and implementation of the Degree Programme.
Find out more
- Prospective bachelor's students Published
- Enrolled students Published
- Graduates Published
See also
- AlmaOrienta Published
- University services Published
- Teaching Published