Design and activation of the programme catalogue, planning of resources and teaching planning

The design and delivery of degree programmes is a process based on the principle of the student’s centrality in education and learning: it takes into account the cultural and professional needs expressed by society, the sustainability of the services offered, the availability of facilities, and the qualifications of the teaching staff.

Degree programmes are designed by the Departments concerned in cooperation with Degree Programmes Boards and Schools concerned, if any, according to national regulation and University’s Academic bodies established guidelines.

The Academic bodies establish guidelines for the design and planning the University's programme catalogue, which is approved annually after planning and checking on the availability of the necessary resources.

Each year, the Department, having regard to the results of their self assessment activities and to the consultation of external stakeholders, and to the evaluation of the overall  sustainability, proposes:

  • the institution, activation or closure of the degree programmes
  • the amendmentes to the related teaching regulations and instructions of the existing degree programmes.

The annual process for the design and planning of the University's programme catalogue is based on a calendar and procedures determined internally in compliance with the ministerial deadlines.

The general administration offices support the teaching structures involved in the various phases of the design and activation of the programme catalogue that lead to approval of the Annual Form for each Degree Programme (SUA-CdS).

Each SUA-CdS contains information about the objectives, resources used and results obtained, as well as about the roles and responsibilities relevant to management of the University’s Quality Assurance system.

The SUA-CdS is therefore both an information and a management tool, containing functional elements for the design, resource planning and organisation of the Degree Programme, as well as information for evaluating its performance.

The Annual Forms for each Degree Programme (SUA-CdS) active in Italy are available via UniversItaly, the portal of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research that helps potential students and their families to select learning paths.


APPC - Settore Qualità e valutazione - Ufficio Assicurazione della qualità dei corsi di studio e di dottorato



Via Zamboni 25 Bologna (BO)

AFORM - Settore Progettazione Didattica



Via Zamboni 33 Bologna (BO)