Guide to online student services

The guide to online services for students.

Published Foreign language courses
At the University Language Centre you can attend face-to-face or blended courses. For Italian language beginners, self-study tutor-assisted learning is also possible.
Published AlmaEsami – For booking you exam sessions
AlmaEsami is the University of Bologna web application for managing exams.
Published AlmaLaurea
AlmaLaurea, acting as a bridge between the university and the business world, is an innovative service which makes CVs available on-line for graduates, professional masters graduates, PhD researchers.
Published AlmaRM
AlmaRM is the system implemented by the University of Bologna to manage all student mobility programmes (including Erasmus Study, Erasmus Placement, Erasmus ICM, Overseas) on-line.
Published Alma Digital Library
AlmaDL, Alma Digital Library, is the University's digital library. It gathers, stores and makes available digital collections on the web, to support teaching and research.
Published Certificates, self-certifications online and Diploma Supplement
All the information you need to request for exam and qualification certificates quickly and easily.
Published IDEM service (IDEntity Management for federated access)
The University of Bologna is a member of the IDEM (IDEntity Management for federated access) service, the authentication and authorisation infrastructure of the GARR network.
Published Job vacancy board
The job advertisements published on the notice board reserved for graduates and undergraduates of the University of Bologna.
Published Moocs-Unibook
BOOK – UniBo Open Knowledge is the platform where the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) of the University of Bologna can be found, i.e. online courses that are open to everyone free of charge.
Published Online internships and agreements
This service aims to facilitate contact between the university, students, graduates and businesses interested in internships. It is managed by the Internships and Agreements Office.
Published Proxy Service - Remote access to electronic resources with reserved access
The Proxy service allows users to use resources with reserved access to the internal network of the University of Bologna through external Internet access.
Published Studenti Online
Studenti Online is an area reserved for students of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, allowing them to complete a number of procedures during their university career on-line, from registration to graduation.
Published Study Plan
The study plan is the complete set of exams that you need to sit in order to graduate.
Published Teaching Staff-Student Distribution lists
A community service designed to ensure more direct, effective communication between teachers and students.
Published Tesi Online
AMS tesi is the service dedicated to the collection, storage and on-line dissemination of degree and doctoral theses and dissertations in digital format.
Published University Library Service
The Libraries Website offers access to catalogues, databases, magazines, books and electronic course notes, as well as the on-line services provided by the Inter-Library Centre and the University Library System.
Published UniboStore
UniboStore is the concept shop developed by the University of Bologna to promote its merchandising comprising accessories, gadgets and a clothing line.
Published Virtuale
Virtuale is a platform integrated with teaching planning for the publication of the teaching materials for first and second cycle degree programmes, single cycle degree programmes, specialization diplomas and PhD degree programmes (third cycle) and for the management of virtual lecture rooms.
Published Wi-Fi wireless connection
Connect to and surf the Internet using ALMAWIFI, Iperbole Wireless, and Eduroam.