Sponsors' Committee

Body of parties and institutions working to promote and develop scientific and learning activities and the transfer of knowledge in the various cultural, social and economic fields and in the communities the University works in.

The Committee expresses its opinion on the 3-year Programming Document and formulates proposals to promote the University's presence internationally and in various areas; it sources external resources, facilitates students' entry into the labour market and monitors the cultural and social effects of the University's institutional activities.
It proposes an external member of the Board of Governors according to the provisions of art. 7 paragraph 5 letter d) of the Statute.

Composition of the Sponsors' Committee

Professor Giovanni Molari
Rector - Chair

Prof. Franco Bazzoli
Cassa di Risparmio Foundation in Bologna Representative 

Dott.ssa Francesca Bergamini
Emilia-Romagna Region Representative

Dott. Mario De Simone 
Forlì venue Representative

Dott.ssa Irene Enriques
Fondazione del Monte of Bologna and Ravenna Representative

Dott.ssa Rossella Fino
Bologna Municipality Representative

Ing. Francesca Lucchi
Cesena venue Representative

Prof. Stefano Pivato
Rimini venue Representative

Dott. Fabio Sbaraglia
Ravenna venue Representative