Teaching Commissions
The Teaching Commission and the Interdepartmental Teaching Commissions are responsible for ensuring the organization and planning of the University of Bologna's teaching activities.
Teaching Commissions
The Teaching Commission and the Interdepartmental Commissions work to ensure high levels of quality and organization in teaching activities, coordinating the educational offerings across the three cycles of degree programmes and among the departments of the university.
Specifically, the Teaching Commission makes proposals and provides opinions to assist the decisions of the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors, facilitated by discussions with the Interdepartmental Teaching Commissions.
- prof. Nicola De Luigi – Vice Rector for Teaching - President
- prof. Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio - appointed by the Academic Senate
- prof. Elena Fabbri - appointed by the Academic Senate
- prof. Francesco Niccolò Moro - appointed by the Academic Senate
- prof. Gaetano La Manna - appointed by the Academic Senate
- prof. Ira Vannini - appointed by the Academic Senate
- mr. Giuseppe Maria Casadei - appointed by the Student Council
- ms. Chiara Stellato – appointed by the Student Council
- mr. Raul Tiani - appointed by the Student Council
- prof. Giacomo Manzoli - appointed by the Board of Governors
- prof. Barbara Monti - President of the Interdepartmental Commission for Teaching, Scientific Area
- prof. Alberto Regattieri - President of the Interdepartmental Commission for Teaching, Technological Area
- prof. Fabrizio De Ponti - President of the Interdepartmental Commission for Teaching, Medical Area
- prof. Luca Guidetti - President of the Interdepartmental Commission for Teaching, Humanities Area
- prof. Federico Casolari - President of the Interdepartmental Commission for Teaching, Social Area
- prof. Silvia Prati - appointed by the Interdepartmental Commission for Teaching, Scientific Area
- prof. Giovanni Tartarini - appointed by the Interdepartmental Commission for Teaching, Technological Area
- prof. Claudio Stefanelli - appointed by the Interdepartmental Commission for Teaching, Medical Area
- prof. Francesca Roversi Monaco - appointed by the Interdepartmental Commission for Teaching, Humanities Area
- prof. Chiara Monfardini - appointed by the Interdepartmental Commission for Teaching, Social Area
Interdepartmental Teaching Commissions
The Interdepartmental Teaching Commissions operate within major scientific-disciplinary areas, coordinating activities and services related to teaching across the three study cycles. They also coordinate between departments, the departments, and the teaching services of the General Administration, and liaise with the Teaching Commission.
Composition of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Scientific Area
Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"
- Focarete Maria Letizia (Director)
- Silvia Prati (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari"
- Loris Giorgini (Director)
- Alessandro Paglianti (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology
- Barbara Monti (Director)
- Anna Maria Ghelli (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"
- Cimatti Andrea (Director)
- Elisa Ercolessi (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Mathematics
- Montanari Annamaria (Director)
- Giovanni Dore (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
- Elena Fabbri (Director)
- Marco Sazzini (Delegate for Teaching)
Composition of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Technological Area
Department of Architecture
- Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio (Director and Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Andrea Omicini (Director)
- Claudio Sacerdoti Coen (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering
- Valerio Cozzani (Director)
- Nicola Buratti (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"
- Riccardo Rovatti (Director)
- Giovanni Tartarini (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Industrial Engineering
- Gian Marco Bianchi (Director)
- Alberto Regattieri (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences
- Rosalba Lanciotti (Director)
- Claudio Marzadori (Delegate for Teaching)
Composition of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Medical Area
Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences
- Paolo Pillastrini (Director)
- Paola Taddei (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences
- Gianandrea Pasquinelli (Director)
- Fabrizio De Ponti (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences
- Pier Paolo Gatta (Director)
- Andrea Barbarossa (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Life Quality Studies
- Carmela Fimognari (Director)
- Claudio Stefanelli (Delegate for Teaching)
Composition of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Humanities Area
Department of Cultural Heritage
- Anna Chiara Fariselli (Director)
- Annalisa Furia (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Arts
- Riccardo Brizzi (Director)
- Anna Maria Lorusso (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Interpreting and Translation
- Rundle Christopher (Director)
- Roberta Pederzoli (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies
- Grandi Nicola (Director)
- Bruna Pieri (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Philosophy
- Luca Guidetti (Director)
- Roberto Brigati (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Paola Scrolavezza (Director)
- Catia Nannoni (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"
- Elvira Cicognani (Director)
- Cinzia Albanesi (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"
- Ira Vannini (Director)
- Manuela Ghizzoni (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of History and Cultures
- Roberto Balzani (Director)
- Francesca Roversi Monaco (Delegate for Teaching)
Composition of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Social Area
Department of Political and Social Sciences
- Francesco Niccolò Moro (Director)
- Francesco Raschi (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"
- Trivisano Carlo (Director)
- Giuliano Galimberti (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Sociology and Business Law
- Paola Parmiggiani (Director)
- Ilaria Pitti (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Economics
- Carlotta Berti Ceroni (Director)
- Chiara Monfardini (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Legal Studies
- Federico Casolari (Director)
- Andrea Lassandari (Delegate for Teaching)
Department of Management
- Angelo Paletta (Director)
- Gabriele Morandin (Delegate for Teaching)
Preliminary Review Commissions
The Preliminary Review Commissions examine topics and provide opinions on strategic areas of activity of particular importance, under the competence of the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors, with support from the managerial areas of the central administration.
Preliminary Review Commission for Budget
Coordinated by the Delegate for Budget and Planning, prof. Rebecca Levy Orelli:
- prof. Roberto Balzani – member of the Academic Senate
- mr. Federico Barbino – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Carlotta Berti Ceroni – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Beatrice Fraboni – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Lorenzo Peretto – member of the Academic Senate
- mr. Luca Nisidi – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Giacomo Manzoli – member the Board of Governors
- dr. Elisabetta Baldazzi - member the Board of Governors
- dr. Valentina Vasina - Member the Board of Governors
Preliminary Review Commission for Construction
Coordinated by Delegate for Construction, prof. Gian Luca Morini:
- prof. Michele Caianiello – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Maurizio Gabbrielli – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Loris Giorgini – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Nicola Grandi – member of the Academic Senate
- mr. Raffaele Pileggi – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Paolo Pillastrini – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Marco Lucarini - member the Board of Governors
- ms. Marta Fronzoni - member the Board of Governors
- dr. Valentina Vasina - member the Board of Governors
Preliminary Review Commission for Staff
Coordinated by the Vice Rector for Staff, prof. Giorgio Bellettini:
- mr. Federico Barbino – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Anna Chiara Fariselli – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Pier Paolo Gatta – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Annamaria Montanari – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Angelo Paletta – member of the Academic Senate
- mr. Raffaele Pileggi – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Mauro Gargiulo - member the Board of Governors
- prof. Marco Lucarini - member the Board of Governors
- dr. Valentina Vasina - member the Board of Governors
Preliminary Review Commission for Research and Third Mission
Coordinated by Vice Rector for Research, prof. Stefano Fanti:
- prof. Valerio Cozzani – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Rocco Liguori – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Christopher Rundle – member of the Academic Senate
- dr. Giulia Salamanca – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Carlo Trivisano – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Paolo Bernardo Trost – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Mauro Gargiulo - member the Board of Governors
- prof. Giacomo Manzoli - member the Board of Governors
- prof. Claudia Golino - member the Board of Governors
Preliminary Review Commission for Taxes and Students
Coordinated by the Delegate for Students, prof. Federico Condello:
- mr. Giovanni Benagli – member of the Academic Senate
- mr. Martino Garelli – member of the Academic Senate
- mr. Daniele Leone – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Rosalba Lanciotti –member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Emanuele Menegatti – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Gianandrea Pasquinelli – member of the Academic Senate
- prof. Mauro Gargiulo – member the Board of Governors
- prof. Claudia Golino - member the Board of Governors
- ms. Marta Fronzoni - member the Board of Governors