Information for international teaching and research staff hosted at the University of Bologna

Useful information for international professors, researchers and scholars hosted at the facilities of the University of Bologna, what to do before and after your arrival in Italy.

Published Accommodation for international guests
Useful information and contacts to find accommodation.
Published Travelling with your family
Useful information on coming to Italy with your family
Published Useful documents: code of ethics and behaviour, safety and health at work, personal data
Published Health care for international guests (for research activity, teaching activity and personal training)
Useful information for using the healthcare services in Italy.
Published Entry and residence in Italy for research activity (visiting researchers and other researchers from abroad)
Information on the entry and residence in Italy of researchers from abroad working at the Departments or Interdepartmental Centres as visiting researchers, visiting fellows, fixed-term researchers, or under contract, with a research fellowships or a research training grant, also funded externally.


International Desk

For support in the incoming procedures (visa, residence permit, health care and more) and useful information about university services.


Via Filippo Re 4 - 40126 Bologna

+39 051 2099584
+39 051 2099529
+39 051 2099055
+39 051 2099510

051 2086113