The principal association groups and networks of which the Alma Mater Studiorum is a member are:
- Coimbra Group
- CUCS - Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo
- CUIA - Italian University Consortium for Argentina
- EUA - European University Association
- Guild of European Research Intensive Universities
- IAU - International Association of Universities
- Scholars at Risk
- SDSN - Sustainable Development Solutions Network
- The Europaeum
- UNA Europa - European University Alliance
- UniAdrion
- Unimed
- Utrecht Network
Coimbra Group
The Coimbra Group, founded in 1987, is a European multidisciplinary university network at an international level created in order to form academic and cultural bonds and to promote internationalisation and academic collaboration. Moreover, it has as its mission to encourage European education through reciprocal informational exchange and of facilitating academic mobility among the universities.
CUCS - Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo
CUCS (Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo) is the Italian universities network for development cooperation. CUSC is promoted by the CRUI (Conference of Italian University Rectors) to unify the efforts and initiatives of the academic community in the field of sustainable development cooperation.
CUIA - Italian University Consortium for Argentina
The CUIA - Italian University Consortium for Argentina was established in 2002 as an internationalisation project of the Italian university system. Initially involving 14 public Italian universities, it was funded by the Ministry of Education, University, and Research (MIUR). In 2004, the project evolved into a consortium with the aim of fostering inter-university relations between Italy and Argentina. Today, the Consortium includes 27 associated universities. CUIA actively operates both in Italy and Argentina, supporting joint research projects and promoting the mobility of students, faculty, and researchers, with particular attention to PhD students. The consortium's work was recognised in the Executive Protocol of Cultural and Educational Cooperation between the Italian government and the Argentine government for the years 2014-2018.
EUA - European University Association
Created in 2001 as a result of a union between the Association of European Universities (CRE) and the Confederation of European Union Rectors' Conferences, the EUA seeks to promote the development of a coherent system of research and European higher education by offering support to its member and encouraging constructive interaction among the individual universities.
Guild of European Research Intensive Universities
The University of Bologna is one of the founding members of the Guild of European Research Intensive Universities, an association that brings together some of the most prestigious European universities, distinguished for their excellence in research, education and third mission. The Guild's objective is to work together to develop innovative solutions for some of the social and scientific challenges that Europe must face.
IAU - International Association of Universities
The IAU is a global organisation of UNESCO created in 1950. It brings together the institutions and organisations of about 150 countries and collaborates with various national, international and regional organisations that are active in the field of higher education. The association has the objective to promote the principles of liberty and justice, human dignity and solidarity through instruction and research and through international cooperation it contributes to the development and assistance of European higher education.
Scholars at Risk
Scholars at Risk is an international network of institutions and individuals whose mission it is to protect scholars and promote academic freedom. By arranging temporary academic positions at member universities and colleges, Scholars at Risk offers safety to scholars facing grave threats. It provides advisory services for scholars, campaigns for scholars who are imprisoned or silenced in their home countries, monitoring of attacks on higher education communities worldwide, and promoting academic freedom and improving respect for university values everywhere.
SDSN - Sustainable Development Solutions Network
SDSN is a network that brings together various actors to solve problems concerning sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals at local, national, and global levels. The main expected benefits are the promotion of the SDGs, practical solutions and long-term initiatives for sustainable development, and higher education and research collaborations for sustainable development. The network has four strands of action: 1. Problem solving. 2. Ability to share educational initiatives both online and collaboratively 3. Involvement in applied research and communication activities for sustainable development. 4. Exchange and discussion of best practices for sustainable development worldwide.
The Europaeum
The Europaeum is an association of sixteen of Europe’s leading universities. Founded in 1992 by Oxford University, the Europaeum brings together talented students and faculty working in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, to promote a better ‘sense of Europe’ through collaboration and academic mobility. The Europaeum encourages collaboration between European research universities, facilitates tripartite dialogue between academics, students, and those working in the public and private sectors, and contributes to European-wide debates about culture, politics, and society.
UniAdrion is a "University Network" established with the aim of creating a permanent connection between universities in the Adriatic-Ionian Region. UniAdrion promotes cooperation between universities mainly through the implementation of joint educational initiatives, mobility, research projects and interregional cooperation, focusing on the areas of interest of EUSAIR (the European Union strategies for the Adriatic Ionian Region). It also organizes seminars, summer schools, lectures and thematic tables.
The University of Bologna holds the presidency for the year 2017-2018.
The Unimed - Mediterranean Universities Union, was founded in October 1991 under the direction of Rome "La Sapienza" University. It counts more than 70 member Institutions located in Meditarranean countries. The structure of the Network, based on the mutual exchange of human and cultural resources, aims at promoting research and education in the fields of cultural heritage, tourism, environment, economy and technology, thus giving contribution to the development of Mediterranean countries.
Utrecht Network
The Utrecht Network contains member countries of the EU and of EFTA and a number of countries coming from central Europe. Activated in 1980, the Utrecht Network carries out its activities in the field of internationalisation of higher education by encouraging the mobility of students, instructor exchanges and the realisation of PhDs and Summer Schools.
SSRD - Unità professionale Supporto e coordinamento dell'attività e delle strategie di internazionalizzazione
Via Zamboni 33 Bologna (BO)
See also
Bologna Process
The Bologna Process is an important process of harmonizing various systems of European higher education that has the objective to create a European Area of Higher Education and to promote the European system of higher education on a worldwide scale in order to increase its international competitiveness.