Advanced School for Health Policy

Objectives, statutes, bodies and headquarters.

The Advanced School for Health Policy was founded at the initiative of the Department of Economics and Business in Medicine and Public Health, Economic Sciences and the Specialisation School for Public Administration.

The profound changes affecting the health sector over the past decades and which are still in progress have led to the adoption of various organisational models and management styles, the definition of new criteria for planning services and the allocation of resources and the need to develop tools for assessing the impact of institutional and organisational changes in terms of the quality of health interventions, the outcomes on the health of the population, the fairness and cost-effectiveness of the system.

With its fundamental mission of basic and specialist learning, the University cannot and must not remain alien to the profound transformations taking place in the Public Administration and in particular in the National and Regional Health Service, and therefore has the task of organising and fostering, with the services sector, training and research and development projects, the strength of which lies precisely in the multidisciplinary approach to the old and new problems to be faced.
Multidisciplinarity and integration of competences from various disciplines are the foundations of the principles inspiring the Advanced School for Health Policy.