67999 - Special Pedagogy for Inclusion

Academic Year 2014/2015

  • Moduli: Patrizia Sandri (Modulo 1) Nicola Cuomo (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary teacher education (cod. 8540)

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course the student knows the epistemological assumptions, theoretical and cultural reference for developing inclusive perspective; - He knows the historical references that starting from the exclusion of persons with disabilities come to de-institutionalization and implementation of educational and social inclusion; -know legislative references that allow you to implement and advance the educational and social integration of people with disabilities, considering the laws not as a given, but as a target and an educational tool.; -knows the methodological premises to promote inclusive contexts; -do you know the tools to realize the organization operating for the integration of persons with disabilities in the process of formal learning at school; - He is able to build an inclusive project,, knowing how to recognize the special needs, knowing identify the skills of individuals and the partnerships that can be activated in the contexts, and to build a resource map; -He can produce a documentation of educational experiences that make reference to the various institutional referents and families and that invokes the participation of pupils.
Within of the laboratorial experience connected to the course, the student will achieve the following skills: - will be able to organize an inclusive classroom by referring to the methodology and tools of the Institutional Pedagogy, in particular: the class Council, the mutual help, the Learning Agreement; - Will be able to guide students to the research of cognitive styles and individual learning, to assess the most effective means of learning for each subject, and that does not exclude those who are disabled.

Course contents

  In the academic year 2014/2015 formative responsibility of teaching Special Pedagogy for inclusion (cod. 67999) is entrusted to Prof. Patrizia Sandri and prof. Nicola Cuomo and will take place in two modules of 24 hours each. The first module (from January 19, 2015 at February 24, 2015) will be led by prof. Nicola Cuomo, followed by a period in which each student will participate in one of eight scheduled workshops (for working students is the possibility of attending a ninth workshop will be organized between May and June) , and finally complete the course Prof. Patrizia Sandri with the second module (April 8 to May 5, 2015 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 to 10:30).


Module program prof.ssa Patrizia Sandri:

The presentation of Special Pedagogy for inclusion

The object of Special Pedagogy is disability, namely the situation of those living the boundedness of a deficit. Today, Special pedagogy in inclusive perspective means the ability to integrate, in ordinary school, and through learning, individuals with disabilities and to promote the culture of respect of the difference. A process founded on reciprocity and co -evolution for well-being of all.


Historical references

The integration process before the specific legislation. The process of de-institutionalization, which resulted in the placement of disabled persons in large containers : the contribution of associations, families and teachers.

The realization of the integration in the school and in the contexts of communal life: 1977 - 2015 thirty-six years of engagement on the rights, the cultural dimension, the commitment administrative, social and educational.


Legislative instruments

Law no. 517 of 1977, Law no. 104 of 1992 (Framework Act) that contains a legislative device for the whole of life, and the Laws born after that allow to take forward the implementation. The legislative instruments should not represent a given already achieved, nor a matter of which complain of a lack of application, but a goal to be achieved, invoking the participation of the subjects, and, therefore, an educational tool. The main international standards (The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities); The recent ministerial regulations on the inclusion of students with Special Needs


Operational tools

The organization of the class for the integration of disabled persons in formal learning processes. Institutional Pedagogy and organization of the inclusive classroom : the structuring of space, organization of time, care and choice of materials, assistive devices , activities, documentation of experiences. Pedagogy of the means of learning, cognitive styles and mental management, pedagogical dialogue with pupils.

The construction of a project inclusive

Learn to recognize the needs of subjects and contexts of learning and life. Learn how to discover the resources of individuals and contexts and to build a map of resources. Learn how to analyze situations, being able to conduct an observation of regular school and life contexts of children to learn how to propose a development in the logic of the inclusion and good practices.


The documentation

The documentation refers to various clients: institutional (managers, colleagues, local administrators, local services), family, group class, individual children. Learn to accept the documentation useful information and to take care to turn to document, proposing methods and tools related to the various commissions, educational experiences and educational, in a participatory way, recalling in particular the contribution of the students.

The monographic section: time and identity

Theoretical reflections on learning concepts of time and identity development.

Tools for the observation and analysis of temporal abilities especially in children with intellectual deficit.

Methodological proposals of didactic and educational intervention.


They are an integral part of the course and all students are required to attend one of the nine laboratories that are enabled in dates will be communicated and published on the website of the Department



Module program prof. Nicola Cuomo:

Knowledge and skills to achieve

The lessons of prof. Cuomo will seek a close synergy with the training and workshops and will provide the means for observation and evaluation of processes, strategies and working tracks aimed at integration projects. This form of special pedagogy for inclusion is particularly important because it is directed at the future teachers of kindergarten and primary teachers who by law meet in their path situations of inclusion.


Program / Content

The itinerary of the lessons will propose, among other things:

·         to know how to design and implement educational courses such as to include a child with deficits throughout the class.

·         to  acquire skills and abilities that can get together with fellow specialized support.

·         theoretical bases and operating educational routes aimed to determine design skills for carrying out integrated teaching taking into account the presence of different intelligences and original capacity.


Texts for students attending - module Prof. Patrizia Sandri:

P. Sandri, Gli spazi, i tempi, le relazioni nella scuola inclusiva, in P. Gaspari, P. Sandri, Inclusione e diversità. Teorie e itinerari progettuali per una rinnovata didattica speciale, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2010, which is the second chapter from page. 74 to p. 132. Study also the Appendix at the end of the book.
P.Sandri, La didattica del tempo convenzionale, Franco Angeli, Milano 2008

 Texts for not attending - module Prof. Patrizia Sandri:

P. Sandri, Gli spazi, i tempi, le relazioni nella scuola inclusiva, in P. Gaspari, P. Sandri, Inclusione e diversità. Teorie e itinerari progettuali per una rinnovata didattica speciale, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2010, which is the second chapter from page. 74 to p. 132. Study also the Appendix at the end of the book.

P.Sandri, Bisogni educativi speciali e diritti di inclusione, in P. Gaspari (a cura di), Pedagogia Speciale e “BES”. Spunti per una riflessione critica verso una scuola inclusiva, Roma: Anicia, pp. 123-150.

P. Sandri, Elementi di didattica speciale per l'inclusione, L'INTEGRAZIONE SCOLASTICA E SOCIALE, febbraio 1, pp. 61-71.

P.Sandri, La didattica del tempo convenzionale, Franco Angeli, Milano 2008

For attending and not attending

Berlini M.G., Canevaro A., Potenziali individuali di apprendimento. Le connessioni, le differenze, la ricerca partecipata, La Nuova Italia, 1996.

 Canevaro A., Balzaretti C., Rigon G., Pedagogia speciale dell'integrazione. Handicap: conoscere e accompagnare, La Nuova Italia, 1996

 Caldin R. (a cura di), Percorsi educativi nella disabilità visiva, Erickson, Trento, 2006

 Perla L. (a cura di), Per una didattica dell'inclusione, Pensa editore, Lecce, 2013

 The materials on the course website. Request the password at Prof. Patrizia Sandri

Texts for attending -module prof. Nicola Cuomo:

N. Cuomo, Verso una scuola dell'Emozione di Conoscere. Il futuro insegnante, insegnante del futuro, Edizioni ETS ,Pisa, 2007 [*]

N. Cuomo, G. Biondi, G. Albertini "Il Filo di Arianna: un sistema di ricerca multi e interdisciplinare", Ediazioni ETS, Pisa 2014

Texts for not attending - form prof. Nicola Cuomo:

N. Cuomo, Verso una scuola dell'Emozione di Conoscere. Il futuro insegnante, insegnante del futuro, Edizioni ETS ,Pisa, 2007 [*]

N. Cuomo, G. Biondi, G. Albertini "Il Filo di Arianna: un sistema di ricerca multi e interdisciplinare", Ediazioni ETS, Pisa 2014

G. Meneghello, Si parla per sillabe Si scrive per lettere, EUROTIPO, Verona 2011

Prof. Cuomo recommends all students (attending and non-attending) to study an article chosen by the magazine Emotion to Know (last issue and those in archives) available at the website http://rivistaemozione.scedu.unibo.it



Teaching methods

Frontal lesson; illustrations of cases; tutorials.

Assessment methods

The final examination will be written, with about three hours of time, and will consist both in open-ended questions concerning the main theoretical concepts addressed, both in the analysis of documentation, which will be provided at the same time, relating toprofile of a student with a deficit and in processing, on the basis of a track, of a synthetic intervention project.

As regards the assessment, they will take into account:

1. the conceptual clarity and exposition;

2. the ability of critical revision of what has been studied;

3. the ability to make reasoned connections between theory and educational interventions.


Teaching tools

Both modules will propose the study of "cases" aimed at processes of active inclusion, also using audiovisual. In particular, in the first module, conducted by Prof. Patrizia Sandri, will be projected, among others, the video of A. Canevaro, Zaghi L. (2010), The integration before of the laws (http: //www.mode .unibo.it /). Students can already enter the dimension that will characterize the second module led by prof. Cuomo by watching many audiovisual documents, visiting http://emozione.scedu.unibo.it.

Office hours

See the website of Patrizia Sandri

See the website of Nicola Cuomo