Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Moduli: Valeria Friso (Modulo 1) Luca Ferrari (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)

Learning outcomes

The student - understands the meaning of vulnerability according to the most recent classifications of functioning and health; - identifies strategies able to activate processes of access and active participation in organisational contexts (oriented to the Life Project) by people who live/go through situations of disadvantage; - recognises the main characteristics of the international "Universal Design for Learning" (UDL) guidelines; - designs training opportunities within organisational contexts that are mediated by the use of digital technologies; - identifies and experiments with some digital environments and software to favour processes of access, participation and collaboration within working organisations. The student - is able to move autonomously in applying the specific knowledge learnt within educational/training projects organised by institutions, bodies or associations; - is able to transfer the knowledge learnt to different types of service; - is able to compare with others on the ways of using and documenting the contents learnt; - is able to identify/implement actions to support the social network for co-design purposes; - is able to use the learned technologies (digital environments and tools) in different contexts, making personal modifications and integrations.

Course contents

The course is divided into two modules.

In the first module, the theme of work in relation to disadvantaged contexts is mainly addressed.
People in disadvantaged situations are often the object of social representations that do not see them as capable of becoming adults capable of active citizenship, and able to exercise their own capacity to act directly, but every person can be able to contribute concretely to the cultural and economic development of the community of which they are part.
In particular, work, and the work role that comes with it, are key factors for the adult person in that they determine a large part of their identity, as well as being contexts for learning and drivers of motivation. If we consider a disadvantaged person, this role will probably be the only active social role he or she can access, and may be the only way to enter the social world. The functions of work, especially the latent ones, have a significant influence on the very existence and daily life of a person who has the opportunity to experience the "pleasure of living", to participate and to feel recognised.
These issues are addressed in relation to current legislation and international documents relevant to professions dealing with human resources management.

In the second module the topic of inclusive design mediated by digital technologies is addressed. The introduction and diffusion of digital technologies is currently a strategically important issue that has to be carefully considered and designed to meet the different needs (cultural, cognitive, social, etc.) that can arise within any organisational context. In this scenario, any professional will have to acquire adequate digital skills that do not only concern the technical-practical use of hardware and software applications, but that must necessarily refer to a clear pedagogical and didactic framework (Ref. The European framework "DigCompEdu", 2017). So, how can inclusive processes be activated through the use of digital technologies? Which planning attentions should be considered in order to design digitally mediated learning contents and activities? Which digital environments/tools could be exploited to favour access and active participation of people living/experiencing disadvantages? In the module the UDL (Universal Design for Learning) guidelines for designing inclusive contents and processes in organisational contexts are presented.


Agenzia Europea per i Bisogni Educativi Speciali e l’Istruzione Inclusiva (2015). LINEE GUIDA IN MATERIA DI ACCESSIBILITÀ DELLE INFORMAZIONI, https://www.european-agency.org/sites/default/files/Guidelines%20for%20Accessible%20Information_IT.pdf

Mangiatordi, A. (2017). Didattica senza barriere. Pisa: Edizioni ETS. Il testo è disponibile, in open access, al seguente link: http://www.edizioniets.com/Priv_File_Libro/3244.pdf

Pascoletti, S. (2017). Tecnologie per l’inclusione. In L. Cottini (a cura di), Didattica speciale e inclusione scolastica, Roma, Carocci, pp. 286-331.


ANGELONI S., BORGONOVI E. (2017). Lavoro ergo sum: Quando il lavoro abilita l’uomo. Sviluppo & Organizzazione, 274, pp. 45–57. 

LEPRI C. (2020). Diventare grandi. La condizione adulta delle persone con disabilità intellettiva. Trento: Erickson (da p.19 a p.48; da p.75 a p.101; da 139 a p.159)

Teaching methods

A variety of teaching strategies will be adopted (brainstorming, case studies, role-play, problem-based learning, etc.). In particular, teaching activities will support active student learning through a structured sequence of "analogical" and "metaphorical" actions carried out within a "protected" environment in which it will be possible to develop a series of soft-skills through simulation activities, peer comparison, experiential learning by trial and error, etc.

Assessment methods

The final grade will be expressed in thirtieths and there will be no intermediate grades.
The grade is the result of an oral examination following discussion of an individual project to be submitted in the dedicated space on Virtual. The project must be handed in within 10 days of the date of the call for applications.

Office hours

See the website of Valeria Friso

See the website of Luca Ferrari


Decent work and economic growth Sustainable cities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.