96447 - Laboratory of Sociology of Urban Music Cultures (1)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 5821)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the laboratory the student: knows different case studies of urban music “scenes”, genres and youth subcultures; is able to analyze the role and value of spaces and networks of music production in the cultural construction of urban identities; is able to recognize cultural policies of legitimization and promotion of urban music cultures; is able to apply his/her analytical skills to different international cases.

Course contents

The program is articulated into two sections. By the end, students are expected to present (individually or in team) and discuss a case study.

The first section focuses on the theoretical state of the art. It defines core concepts from the sociology of music, (sub)cultural studies, and popular music studies. The aim is building a conceptual tool-kit.

The second section focuses on the methods and results of various empirical research projects carried out over the last two decades. Their research objects deal with the practices of production, consumption, and innovation of popular music; the organization and role of urban music festivals; the institutionalization and symbolic conflicts over value and hierarchies; the political and identity-building role of popular music.

This second section addresses various popular music fields (e.g. canzone d'autore, 'indie', jazz, pop) and it includes a specific focus on hip hop, rap and trap in Italy.


1. Savonardo, L. (2017) La sociologia della musica, in Id., Pop music, media e culture giovanili. Dalla Beat Revolution alla Bit Generation, Milano, Egea, pp. 13-52.

2. Spaziante, L. (2008) La musica popular e gli studi culturali, in C. Demaria e S. Nergaard (a cura di) Studi culturali. Temi e prospettive a confronto, Milano, McGraw-Hill, pp. 255-291.

3. Magaudda, P. e Spaziante, L. (2022) Lo studio delle sottoculture musicali: sguardi disciplinari, trasformazioni sociali, mutamenti estetici, “Studi Culturali”, 19(1), 73-90.

4. Tosoni, S. (2021) Italowave. I nuovi studi accademici delle subculture spettacolari in Italia, “Studi Culturali”, 18(3), 520-530.

5. Bratus, A. e Vultaggio, G. (2016) A place for us? Building the sense of place in the “Genoese School” of cantautori, in I. Marc e S. Green (a cura di) The Singersongwriter in Europe. Paradigms, Politics and Place, Farnham, Ashgate, pp. 191-204.

6. Haworth, R. (2019) City branding and the popular music star: the case of Mina, Cremona, and ‘Cremona canta Mina’, “Italian Studies”, 74(4), 413-426.

7. Santoro, M. e Solaroli, M. (2007) Authors and rappers: Italian Hip Hop and the shifting boundaries of canzone d’autore, “Popular Music”, 26(3), 463-488.

8. Barra, L., Manzoli, G., Santoro, M., Solaroli, M. (2019) Un marziano all’Ariston. Mahmood tra televisione, musica, politica e identità, “Studi Culturali”, 16(2), 329-343.

9. Dell’Agnese, E. (2019) Musica (popolare) e spazi urbani: una introduzione, “Rivista geografica italiana”, 126(4), 7-19.

10. Giubilaro, C. e Pecorelli, V. (2019) El nost Milan: il rap dei ‘nuovi italiani’, tra riappropriazioni urbane e rivendicazioni identitarie, “Rivista geografica italiana”, 126(4), 21-42.

11. Magaudda, P. (2009) Il rischio di dilapidare un capitale (sottoculturale). Processi di istituzionalizzazione e conflitti culturali nel «campo» della musica indipendente in Italia, in M. Santoro (a cura di) La cultura come capitale. Consumi, produzioni, politiche, identità, Bologna, il Mulino, pp. 117-140.

12. Santoro, M. e Solaroli, M. (2013) Ecologia istituzionale di un festival: il caso Umbria Jazz, "Polis", 27(1), 81-124.

13. Magaudda, P. (2013) I festival di musica elettronica e le culture giovanili. Successi e fallimenti, dal Sònar ai festival italiani, “Polis”, 27(1), 55-80.

14. Scalfaro, A. e Solaroli, M. (2021) Spazi di cittadinanza culturale e pratiche musicali giovanili a Bologna, in G. Manzoli e R. Paltrinieri (a cura di) Welfare Culturale. La dimensione della cultura nei processi di welfare di comunità, Milano, Franco Angeli, pp. 115-133.

15. Coletta, C. e Gabbi, F. (2013) Lo spazio del suono: sinestesie organizzative nelle politiche urbane sul rumore, "Studi Culturali", 10(1), 89-106.


Suggested books:

  • Hebdige, D. (1979) Subculture. The meaning of Style.
  • Chambers, I. (1985) Urban rhythms. Pop music and popular culture.
  • Thornton, S. (1995) Club cultures. Music, media and subcultural capital.

Teaching methods

Class lectures and team-work.

Assessment methods

Attending students are expected to choose and present in class a case study in which they apply some of the conceptual frameworks of the course. The case study must be previously approved by Prof. Solaroli by email. A brief paper on the case study (15.000 characters, spaces included) must be delivered by email one week before an exam date, by 6 months after the end of the course.

Non-attending students can take a written exam (100 minutes, with both closed-ended and open-ended questions).

Teaching tools

PPT slides, songs, music videos.


Office hours

See the website of Marco Solaroli


Good health and well-being Quality education Gender equality Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.