Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Social Work (cod. 8040)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - knows the fundamental and constitutive elements of the social service and is able to deepen

its historical-cultural, theoretical and methodological aspects; - possess methodological knowledge relating to the performance of intervention and social action activities; - will be able to build gradual connections and analyze the methodological structure that guides social action; - will be able to apply basic knowledge on the organization of social services.

Course contents

The course aims to accompany students in learning the aspects characterizing the profession of social worker, focusing on the working methods and tools used daily and highlighting difficulties and risks frequently faced by professionals.

Professional tools and their application methodologies will be analyzed, with particular attention to interviews, home visits, social records, multidisciplinary teams, supervision, and social mediation, addressing in-game skills, correct and discouraged behaviors, restitution and feedback techniques, and strategies to manage complex or challenging situations. 


I testi di riferimento per la valutazione finale sono:

Bertotti T., Fazzi L., Rosignoli A. (2021), Il servizio sociale: le competenze chiave, Roma, Carocci (capitoli 2, 4, 6, 8)

Cabiati E. (2020), La visita domiciliare in tutela minorile, Trento, Erickson

Raineri M. L., Corradini F. (2022), Linee guida e procedure di servizio sociale, Trento, Erickson (capitoli 4, 6, 15, 17, 19)

Sono inoltre previsti lavori di gruppo su alcuni testi che verranno condivisi all’inizio del corso

Teaching methods

The teaching methodology will be of a dialogic-interactive type, alternating more theoretical moments with discussions and debates between teacher and students. There will also be proposed exercises, case studies, group work and simulations aimed at putting into practice the skills covered by the course.

In addition, the course may be integrated with theoretical-operational seminars conducted by Social Workers or other experts who will deepen specific issues relating to the role, operation and daily practice of the Social Worker in the various areas of intervention also in collaboration with other courses. .

Assessment methods

The final evaluation for those who have attended at least 50% of the lessons is based on:

- teamwork (50%)

- final exam (50%)

The final exam may be written or oral at the student's discretion. The teacher will provide the instructions at the beginning of the course.

Attendance of 50% of the lessons is mandatory, except in exceptional cases. For those unable to attend at least 50% of the classes and do not participate in group work, the program is agreed upon with the teacher, and there will be a final oral exam.

Teaching tools

PPT presentations, external guests, readings, and group work.

Office hours

See the website of Manuela Maggio