90244 - Forms of Poetic Text (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures, Linguistics (cod. 9220)

Learning outcomes

Throughout this class, students are introduced the knowledge of the fundamentals of an analytical approach to the poetic text - meter, rhythm, intonation, and the history of poetic forms - in a comparative perspective, and they become able to apply them as they read authors and poems belonging to various languages and traditions.

Course contents

Main topic:

Myth, parody, ideologies

The course (30 hours) aims to: 1) examine the notion of the poetic text as a place of intersections, overlaps and collisions between different texts, codes and discourses embodying conflicting ideological orientations; 2) analyse and compare imitations, alterations, transformations of some thematic-structural elements of D’Annunzio’s Alcyone and Pascoli’s Myricae in the 20th Century, from Guido Gozzano to Dino Campana, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Eugenio Montale, Andrea Zanzotto, Amelia Rosselli and the Novissimi.


It is strongly recommended to attend the first introductory lesson about the bibliography of the course and the assessment methods (explained in detail at the bottom of the page). Students are also invited to access the Teaching resources on Virtuale platform before the start of the course.

Further information about course, program and assessment methods will be provided in class and during Office hours (not by email).


Classroom-based mode attendance is managed by the presente.unibo.it service. Students will be able to attend all classes online (Microsoft Teams).


Literary texts

The (approximately 50) texts of the poems to be prepared for the exam (pdf) will be available on the platform Teaching resources on Virtuale since the beginning of the lectures.

Below are listed only the books from which the texts will be chosen.

Please note: students are expected to prepare the poems by poets of the first 20th century analyzed in class; as regards to the second 20th century, they will choose only one of the following poets: Antonio Porta, Andrea Zanzotto, Amelia Rosselli.

  • Giovanni Pascoli, Myricae, a cura di G. Lavezzi, Milano, BUR, 2015.
  • Gabriele d’Annunzio, Alcyone, a cura di F. Roncoroni, Milano, Oscar Mondadori, 1995 (or other annotated edition).
  • Guido Gozzano, La signorina Felicita ovvero La Felicità, in ID., Poesie e prose, a cura di L. Lenzini, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2008.
  • Dino Campana, Canti Orfici, a cura di F. Ceragioli, Milano, Rizzoli, 2014; alternatively: Canti Orfici e altre poesie, a cura di R. Martinoni, Torino, Einaudi, 2014.
  • G. Ungaretti, Il Porto Sepolto, a cura di C. Ossola, Venezia, Marsilio, 1990; alternatively: G. Ungaretti, Il Porto Sepolto, in N. Lorenzini-S. Colangelo, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Le Monnier, 2012.
  • Eugenio Montale, Ossi di seppia, a cura di P. Cataldi e F. d’Amely, Milano, Mondadori, 2016; ID., Le occasioni, a cura di T. De Rogatis, Milano, Mondadori, 2011; ID., La bufera e altro, a cura di I. Campeggiani e N. Scaffai, Milano, Mondadori, 2019.
  • Andrea Zanzotto, Le poesie e prose scelte, a cura di S. Dal Bianco e G.M. Villalta, Milano, Mondadori, 1999.
  • Andrea Zanzotto, Erratici, a cura di F. Carbognin, Milano, Mondadori, 2021.
  • Rosselli, L'opera poetica, a cura di S. Giovannuzzi, con la collaborazione di F. Carbognin, C. Carpita, S. De March, G. Palli Baroni, E. Tandello, Milano, Mondadori, “I Meridiani”, 2012.
  • A. Porta, Poesie 1956-1988, Milano, Mondadori, 1989, pp. 179-195 (*).


Critical essays

Some of the following essays (*) are available on the platform "Insegnamenti OnLine".

About the notion of "mith"

  • Roland Barthes, Il mito, oggi, in ID., Miti d’oggi, Torino, Einaudi, 1994, pp. 191-238 (*).

About the concept of "intertextuality"

  • Andrea Bernardelli, Che cos’è l’intertestualità, Roma, Carocci, 2013 (capp. I-IV).
  • Michail Bachtin, La parola nel romanzo, in ID., Estetica e romanzo, Torino, Einaudi, 2001, pp. 67-230 (optional reading)

Poetics and ideologies

  • Walter Benjamin, Di alcuni motivi in Baudelaire, in ID., Angelus Novus. Saggi e Frammenti, Torino, Einaudi, 1962 (o ristampe), pp. 89-144 (*).
  • Le voci Dino Campana, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Eugenio Montale, Andrea Zanzotto, Amelia Rosselli in Poeti italiani del Novecento, a cura di P.V. Mengaldo, Milano, Oscar Grandi Classici Mondadori, 2003.
  • Guido Guglielmi, Interpretazione di Ungaretti, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1989 (solo il capitolo 1) (*).
  • Luigi Blasucci, Percorso di un tema montaliano: il tempo, in ID., Gli oggetti di Montale, Il Mulino, Bologna 2002, pp. 87-111 (*).
  • Francesco Carbognin, Linguaggio (1956 – 1969), in N. Lorenzini – S. Colangelo [a cura di], Poesia e Storia, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2013, pp. 195-239 (*).
  • Italo Calvino, i saggi Il mare dell’oggettività e La sfida al labirinto, in ID., Saggi 1945-1985, a cura di M. Barenghi, Torino, Einaudi, 2001, pp. 52-60 e 105-123 (*).
  • Umberto Eco, Del modo di formare come impegno sulla realtà, in ID., Opera aperta. Forma e indeterminazione nelle poetiche contemporanee, Milano, Bompiani, 2000, pp. 235-290 (*).
  • Alfredo Giuliani (a cura di), I Novissimi. Poesie per gli anni ’60, Torino, Einaudi, 2003 (*).
  • Andrea Zanzotto, i saggi L’inno nel fango, Testimonianza, I «Novissimi», in ID., Scritti sulla letteratura, a cura di G.M. Villalta, Milano, Mondadori, 2001, vol. I, pp. 15-20 e pp. 87-98; vol. II, pp. 24-29 (*).
  • N. Lorenzini, Postfazione, in A. Porta, Poesie 1956-1988, Milano, Mondadori, 1989, pp. 179-195 (*).
  • Francesco Carbognin, Variazioni Belliche, in A. Rosselli, L'opera poetica, a cura di S. Giovannuzzi, con la collaborazione di F. Carbognin, C. Carpita, S. De March, G. Palli Baroni, E. Tandello, Milano, Mondadori, “I Meridiani”, 2012, pp. 1292-1310.


Please note

Additional resources (pages from critical essays discussed in class) will be available on on the Teaching resources on Virtuale platform at the beginning of the course. These materials, whose knowledge is mandatory, even for non-attending students, are part of the exam program.


Not-attending students

Teaching materials and examination procedures are the same for both attending and non-attending students.


International students

International students will prepare a shorter program, to be agreed with the teacher during the Office hours (not by email).

Teaching methods

Classes with a strong interaction between students and teacher. Classroom-based mode attendance is managed by the presente.unibo.it service. Students will be able to attend all classes online (Microsoft Teams).

Assessment methods

The final oral exam is an interview aimed at verifying in each student some argumentative and technical skills related to the theoretical matters and the poetic texts analyzed throughout the class. Students will be required to read and comment some poems analyzed in class, of which they are expected to recognize and to describe the main metrical and rhetorical-syntactic features.

A positive or excellent score (27 to 30/30, even with distinction) corresponds to a full mastering of technical, theoretical, historical tools for the analysis of poetic text, to a strong ability to make connections among any single part of the course contents and to correctly approach textual features with an appropriate language; an average score (23 to 26/30) goes to students who show some lacks in one or more topics or analytical exercises; a low score (18 to 22/30) to students who have severe lacks in one or more topics or exercises, that show improprieties in using notions and approaching textual examples. A negative score is assigned to students who are absolutely not able to manage the general notions and the technical language appropriate to literary analysis, and who cannot recognize the different characteristics (metrical, rhetorical, syntactic, semantic) of a poetic text.

Teaching tools

PC, video projector, overhead projector, slides and digital scans of images and excerpts from poetic and critical texts.

Office hours

See the website of Francesco Carbognin