82791 - Public Private Partnerships Law

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Management for Social Economy (cod. 8843)

Learning outcomes

The Course provides students with an adequate understanding of the different legal and institutional tools whereby private organisations, both for and non profit, can develop steady partnerships with national or local authorities (PPPs) in the delivery of services of general interest.

Course contents

The Programme

Against the international the EU and Italian legal frameworks, the Course will provide students with an in-depth knowledge and understaneding concerning the legal tools aimed at establishing Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to organise, manage and supply services of general interest.

The contents

1. Origins and theories supporting PPPs

2. Legal remedies, systems and approaches against corruption in the field of PPPs

3. International law and PPPs

4. EU law and PPPs

4.1. Contracts

4.2. Instititutionalised PPPs

5. The Italia legal system and PPPs

5.1. PPPs and the Code of Public contracts

5.2. PPPs and public-owned companies 

5.3. PPPs in the provision of health care services 

5.4. PPPs and project financing in the field of sports



Materials drafted by Professor Alceste Santuari


  1. A. SANTUARI, Lineamenti di diritto degli enti del terzo settore e delle cooperative, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2022, Capitolo VII
  2. A. SANTUARI, Gli enti sportivi dilettantistici (ESD) e i rapporti giuridici di collaborazione con gli enti pubblici alla luce del Codice del terzo settore e della Riforma dello sport, disponibile al seguente indirizzo internet: https://www.dirittodellosport.eu/2021/07/22/gli-enti-sportivi-dilettantistici-esd-e-i-rapporti-giuridici-di-collaborazione-con-gli-enti-pubblici-alla-luce-del-codice-del-terzo-settore-e-della-riforma-dello-sport/
  3. Il budget di salute e la presa in carico delle persone fragili: profili giuridici e procedure amministrative di uno strumento innovativo di partenariato pubblico-privato, FrancoAngeli, gennaio 2022 (open access: free download at https://series.francoangeli.it/index.php/oa/catalog/book/763)

Teaching methods

Traditional lectures and project works.

Assessment methods

Students will present a project work during a plenary session.

The PW will have to prove students' own understanding and personal critical analysis of the various issues dealt with during classes.

Teaching tools

Bibliography, papers, links to relevant research projects and official documents, as well as power point presentations  will be made available to students on the course's website.

Office hours

See the website of Alceste Santuari


No poverty Good health and well-being Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.