79045 - Principles and Theory of Translation

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Moduli: Gabriella Elina Imposti (Modulo 1) Maria Chiara Gnocchi (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)

Learning outcomes

Students will acquire a basic knowledge of aspects and principles of translation theory, of the basic strategies and processes of translation, with particular reference to literary translation. A basic overview of the history of literary translation will also be provided.

Course contents

The purpose of the course is: a) offering an introduction to the history of translation (and in particular of literary translation); b) presenting the main theories concerning translation; c) presenting some of the main translation strategies and issues depending on the typology of texts and languages. It will consist of a theoretical part taught by the responsible of the subject and of a series of lectures by specialists on specific issues and themes connected with translation.


Further bibliography will be provided during the course, the professor will clarify which pages are to be studied in exactly which texts. Students will find most materials uploaded into the section 'teaching materials'.

Strongly recommended texts (especially the ones marked with an asterix). SOme texts will be available in MATERIALI DIDATTICI:

*Diadori, P., Tradurre: una prospettiva interculturale, Roma, Carocci, 2018. (parts recommended)

Jakobson, R. Aspetti linguistici della traduzione, in ID., Saggi di linguistica generale, Milano: Feltrinelli, 1965 (also in Nergaard 1995).

Morini, Massimiliano, La traduzione : teorie, strumenti, pratiche, Milano : Sironi, 2007. (parts)

*Nergaard, Siri (a cura di), La teoria della traduzione nella storia, Milano: Gruppo editoriale Fabbri-Bompiani-Sonzogno-ETAS, 1993 (parts).

*Nergaard, Siri (a cura di), Teorie contemporanee della traduzione, Milano: Bompiani, 1995. (parts)

Osimo, Bruno, Manuale del traduttore : guida pratica con glossario, Milano: U. Hoepli, 1998.(parts)

*Salmon, Laura, Teoria della traduzione, Milano: Franco Angeli editore, 2017 (recommended)

Further texts:

Albanese, Angela e Nasi, Franco (a cura di), L'artefice aggiunto: riflessioni sulla traduzione in Italia : 1900-1975, Ravenna : Longo, 2015 (parts).

Bassnett, Susan, La traduzione: teorie e pratica, (a cura di Daniela Portolano), trad. it. G. Bandini, Milano: Bompiani, 1993 (parts).

Bertazzoli, R., La traduzione: teorie e metodi, Roma: Carocci le Bussole, 2018 (2006).

Canepari, Michela, Linguistica, lingua e traduzione, vol. 1, I fondamenti, Padova, Webster, 2016 (pars).

Eco, Umberto, Dire quasi la stessa cosa, Milano: Bompiani, 2003 (parts).

Faini, Paola, Tradurre : dalla teoria alla pratica, Roma : Carocci, 2004 (parts).

Newmark, P. La traduzione: problemi e metodi, Milano: Garzanti, 1988. (parts)

Teaching methods

Lectures, workshops, discussions, practice. During modules 2 and 3 professors specializing in various aspects of translation will give lectures that form INTEGRAL part of the course.

Useful teaching materials will be available online.

Assessment methods

Written exam with open questions on themes dealt with during the course (included the topics dealt with by the visiting lecturers).

The exam includes all the three modules.

Each 'session' there will be two calls (appelli).

Teaching tools

Lectures, slides, presentations, workshops.

Office hours

See the website of Gabriella Elina Imposti

See the website of Maria Chiara Gnocchi


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.