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Gabriella Elina Imposti is Full Professor of Russian Literature in the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Bologna University. She has published several articles on Russian and Italian Futurism:
Rol' zvukopodrazhaniia v poetikakh italianskogo i russkogo futurizma. Marinetti, Kruchenykh i Khlebnikov (Moscow 2000);
Jazyk bogov: fonosimvolizm i zaum v "Zangezi" V. Khlebnikova (Astrakhan 2010). She is also the author of a book on a major Russian philologist, linguist, and scholar of versification, Alexander Vostokov (
Aleksandr Christoforovič Vostokov. Dalla pratica poetica agli studi metrico-filologici, Bologna, CLUEB, 2000), various articles on Russian Romanticism and its reception of British and German literature, articles on contemporary Russian women writers and the development of gender studies in Russia. She has also published several articles on Tolstoy and Dostoevskii.
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